Monday, February 16, 2009

My Family

It's that time of year again. Four years and I still won't forget. I came from under the rock, not special, not any better than anyone else. I owe my success in life to my shipmates.

14 Feb 2005 was my last day on Coast Guard active duty. Thursday reminded me again why I am not with you guys. Sometimes, when my back cooperates, I think that I could do it again. I still think I can.

You are still my family. In fact, in this case, blood is not thicker. My real family is on watch right now. Away from your own families, together with your brothers and sisters. Standing fast for the SAR alarm. You guys are the real heroes. You have to go out, but you don't have to come back.

The last 4 years I have changed alot. I think I'm a better man because of my time with you. From pushing ground to hanging from the sky, I learned. I didn't realize what I had until it was too late.

I'm still working for you. On the sidelines. Helping others watch you as you fly. You are the reason that I get up in the morning. I'll give my best, I promise.

I have a chance right now. I can have a family outside of you. It's just a small flame at this point, but I wouldn't have had the chance if I didn't have you first. You all made me who I am. My character, honor, and integrity are there because I worked with some of the best people the United States has to offer the world. I'm proud of all of you.

Honor. Respect. Devotion to Duty.

Smooth tailwinds, my friends. May your autorotations and tail rotors always give you the rush they gave me. And keep the hangar doors open until they return!

Fair winds and following seas.

AVT3 Tony Kiegel aka "Tweet"

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