Tuesday, April 30, 2019


5 training burpees
5 HPC 135lb
Add 5 each round

25 HPC plus one burpee.

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Friday, April 26, 2019

2k row

7:23 focused on technique. Damper was set at 6

5 Strict MU
20 Walking Lunges

4 rounds even. ripped my hand. I'm glad I was able to hit strict MU but the garage gym isn't very well suited for MU in general due to my height. Good work for my knees though.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

"The Chief"

5 Rounds of AMRAP 3:
3 Power Cleans (135/95)
6 Pushups
9 Air Squats
Rest 1:00 between each AMRAP.

20 plus 6 push ups but I think I missed count and was at 21 rds. Not sure. 

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Tempo Front Squat
4 sets of 1 Rep
- 5 Second Negative
- 3 Second Pause in Bottom
- 3 Second Pause at Parallel
Loadings are intended to be on the lighter side to dial in positioning under this longer range tempo squat. A technique primer to our following part. Rest as needed between sets.
“Heartbreak Kid”
3 Rounds:
10 Front Squats (185/135)
20 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
50 Double-Unders

Regular butterfly pull-ups to protect my neck


Tuesday, April 09, 2019

"Bad Blood"
5 Rounds:
1:00 - Max Burpee Box Jumps (20")
1:00 - Clean high pull (155)
1:00 - Echo Bike Calories
1:00 - Rest

151 but I was interrupted by some nice Mexicano Hombres. Extra Rest!

Recovery Row1800 Meter Row
Meters 0-200 - 2K Pace + 15 Seconds
Meters 201-400 - 2K Pace + 10 Seconds
Meters 401-600 - 2K Pace + 5 Seconds
Repeat this process for a total of (3) rounds, with no rest between. Focusing on finding paces today, building awareness of speeds.

7:16 and miserable

Thursday, April 04, 2019

Tuesday, April 02, 2019



12:46. TTB on portable pull up bar so I was swinging.

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Monday, April 01, 2019

10 RFT
Run 256m
Rest 90s


Feet are on fire.

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