Friday, December 16, 2005


No, I'm not talking about DFB. My brain has turned to shit. Eight and a half hours of practical exam can do that. No, Tommie had it worse-fifteen hours. We both passed-all that matters. I guess I'll try to get one more exam done before taking off. I know I'll be back here again and again for more training. At least for the first two years. Then, who knows. Might go to a few other states and see how they are after a few more. Sorry folks, Indiana just isn't as exciting. Guess I miss all that traveling in the military. Should give me enough time to finish up on the house and sell it. Heather should be done with school and ready for another adventure by then.

This is funny.

I guess J.R. did okay during these elections. I hope his work is not done in vain.

Well, I'm gonna try to get my brain to recover a bit.

For you guys still pullin' hovers on and off the ice, I won't forget where I came from. Check me out on or fred's place. You can add me to your network easy enough. Might be a few good spots for you on this side of the house.

Looks like some new boats. Cyclone class, bought em from the squids.


Sunday, November 20, 2005

Joe Satch Rules

Had to go out and buy an iPod shuffle so I could listen to Joe Satriani while I impersonate a body builder. Got his 2000 cd Engines of Creation. Good tunes. Satriani hasn't let his fans down over the years and his older stuff is still good.
I guess I will put off reading about comms circuits tonite as I can always study better while getting paid. I just got another couple of books even though I passed both comms exams already. One is about RADAR principles which involves a fair amount of Trig and first semester Calculus. The other is about electrical. Yes, the FAA is going to pay me to learn to be an Electrician. Woo-hoo, gonna be a handyman. Okay, the second one also has some good info on HVAC. No, Mikey, I am still NOT a knuckledragger. But if they want me to learn what a caveman does, I will understand and comply:).
I'm a book nerd so I just can't pass up more technical books. As long as they don't expect me to spend all of my day working with Windows, I won't bitch. Pleeeeeze don't make me a Windows bitch.
Hmmmm. What else. Oh, I have a christian friend I often eat lunch with. Ex-Air Farce, go figure. I'm not talking about a typical christian. I mean a bible-beating extreme literal-interpretive christian. However, he is open-minded enough to discuss his beliefs versus scientific reason. You can't argue with him much though. For example, his mind is set on the age of the earth at about 15,000 years and dinosaurs never existed. Yes, he believes that God just "planted" dinosaur bones in the ground for a good laugh. Evidently, his god is a comedian. Oh, and Adam and Eve were okay to populate the earth by inbreeding with their children. Incest became against the law later on. Interesting person to study, as he seems to represent the majority of the views of the extreme religious right. Even if you aren't a humanist or atheist, you would find our conversations interesting. If the extremists could just not impose their views on us, -sigh- what a wonderful world it would be.
I write J.R. about my adventures although his recent adventures top mine. I'm going to try to get him on with the FAA if he so desires. I figure it is a good time to bring him up to date on Coast Guard history. At least, I am sending him some on our greatest hero, SM1 Douglas Munro.
Well, that's all for this week folks. Here is a great alternative to Victoria's Secret for your wives' and girlfriends' xmas gifts: hehe.
Oh, and if you are much for politics, here's a great site for the moderate side of the house.
Go, Congressman Murtha!
Have a good week! Heather is coming down Tue, so I gotta pick up the house.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Sir, always learning, Sir.

I have been in OKC for 4 weeks now. It's been boring at times and educational at other times. I have declined to go to the bars and even out for a long time. I did get over to Tinker AFB this veteran's day weekend and picked up a few things including a good tax-free bottle of the Wild Turkey. I declined the Military Special (5 bucks a gallon), but will make sure to pick up a couple gallons before heading back east to remember those honorable vets.
I eat and drink with mostly older guys who have been in the FAA for years. One guy, Gary, was in Air Traffic Control before Congress contracted his job out to Lockheed Martin thus screwing with his retirement. Gary is a born and raised Minn-ee-so-tan with the accent to match it. At 47 years old, this ex-marine can lift out in the gym with the best of the young guys. I try to keep up with him, although my back injury restrains me from lifting what this guy can. Gary has several ruptured vertebrae and still keeps going. I teach Gary Algebra and electronics theory in exchange for some good New Mexican chow(he's from Minnesota but lives in Albuquerqe). Martin, a hispanic/native american guy is here for his second school learning Unix, courtesy of the FAA. He has a home built from adobe, a wife and kids. Martin is also a former ATC controller.
They seem from different worlds. In the Coast Guard, you meet mostly people from the coasts. Its a refreshing note to see how others in different parts of this country live and think.
Well, I'm out. Gotta get up and read more tomorrow about radio comms.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Get some.

Calling all technicians, mechanics, and computer gurus: the FAA has not met their quota for ATSS/ET's. If you haven't applied yet, and you have military experience or some other training, you need to. Click here. The PASS union is demanding more technicians, as the replacement rate is only meeting those who are retiring. Even if active duty, consider applying. Your time in service is transferable. You will not get this opportunity much longer. Mikey-tell all airedales that are planning on separating in the next two years. You WILL NOT get better benefits and pay raises in any civilian job as a technician. Imagine getting paid very well for going to school and getting the experience usually only obtained in the military. Pass it on.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

The little things.

Its funny how you forget about the little things. Like not itching. But better when you apply that third coating of hydrocortizone that some ingenious little experimenter thought up. Compared to the John Waynes of WWII and Vietnam you still feel like a pussy. They didn't need it and fought with crabs and a host of other nasty skin infections. Not me, I would have called in to work, but I can't right now. Makes me feel like I am still in boot. Especially when you get up at oh-dark-thirty and you HAVE to be at work for the beginning of a new career. Who isn't nervous when you haven't had any sleep cause you don't know what is going to happen in the next few weeks which might impact the rest of your life? The itching can keep you up too.

Walking the streets beside those plain government buildings and dimly lit sidewalks at oh-dark-hundred I can't help but put chin up and chest out and walk a little bit straighter. Sleep for nights or none for days, you could tell your veteran brethren from those not educated on the military fields across this great land and sense the ambition. The only limiting factor is how far you think you can go. I don't know if it's really the military or just the discipline. I like to think its some of both. The real Ph.D.'s say it's genetic. I agree. All of us have the gene, then the environment exploits it or ignores it. So I would say that inner drive is genetic. But the more you push it, the more it comes out.

For those that lost "it", or think they don't have it, they are wrong. Math is the freshest example in my mind. For four years now, I have watched a person who thought they could not do simple arithmetic with even a calculator. I take great pride in transforming their mentality into something different. How bad do you want to prove yourself wrong? I think part of it, with anything-not just math, is if you get to point "Z" when you started at point little "a", you are afraid of going to "alpha" because you might see "gamma" not far behind. Ah, but you started at little "a", you just have to first attack "alpha" and "beta" then you move on to "gamma" and beyond. Patience-knowing when to sit back and have a drink and when to fiercely attack and even when to obsess-is learned with time and maybe good physical exertion. I learned patience in and out of the military.

Now, I am brought to my knees again at the bottom. But ambition only grows stronger with patience. The funny thing is I am kneeling with former military officers and current engineers. If you are a technician reading this, then I want you to see that we all put our pants on the same way. Its all how far you want to go.

Oh, and let's not forget about the people in general all taking this great life step. Where else can you get the wonderful mixture of cultures except in service? It only makes things better when you get to work with Mineesohtans and New Yawkas and those nasal Michiganders and lets not forget those good folks from North Cakalaki. People from every part of the U.S. of A. at the four corners of the U.S. of A.(look it up).

Being intimidated isn't too bad. Being strong isn't too bad if you are careful. Hard labor just sharpens your focus and the pain makes you feel alive. Sometimes just keeping your damned mouth shut does the best. And pressing some grass definitely ain't bad. Persistence and strength go a long way.

Sorry if this is so scatter-brained, I'll clean it up later.

Sunday, October 16, 2005


Well, I am currently in Vinita, Oklahoma at a Holiday Inn Express. Tomorrow, I finish the trip and live in sunny Oklahoma City for 10 weeks. It always sucks-your first day of travel-especially away from your wife. Then, you get used to it and where you will stomp around.
I don't think any time could be worse than living in North Carolina during AVT "A" school. You lived in the "donut". A fresh-out-of-college architect's design. Shaped like a donut and poorly ventilated, the stench of urine and sweat clung to the place. Not to mention the windows were fastened closed to prevent any suicides. You got to live with a roommate and your whole damned class next to you. It was bad enough being in class together, but then living together 24/7. Then you get duty where you stomp around the halls on a two-hour shift from oh dark hundred to 0630 checking fire extinguishers when you got a test the next day. Or worse, driving all the non-coms around on the weekend to all the bars 'til oh dark hundred. Nothing like being the airman takin E-4 thru E-6 around and you can't even get a drink and you get to wear trops and cover. Take all that and no alcohol allowed to drink away the situation, life was a bitch.

Even boot wasn't as bad. Sure you missed home and got screamed at alot, but hey, you got to eat-didn't worry about the taste or what it was, you only had 5 minutes-and got some good exercise. You didn't have to worry about what anyone would say or what to do with your time or even what you would do on watch. You didn't have time. You just did it. If you did it wrong, you got more exercise. You even got a day of liberty off base and I got a few drinks and even an offer to suck my dick if I returned the favor to a fellow boot camper. Hey, its boot, you don't get blown very often. Just kidding, his whiskers scratched my nuts so we rented a whore.

I guess it beats getting ready to go to Iraq for a year. Plus, I don't get a roommate now and civilians get treated like kings compared to the military. Miss the wife and 2 cats though. No, Mikey, your pipe cleaning service is not necessary. You charge too much.

Friday, October 14, 2005


Here's a good link for you churchies out there: Quiz. Should clear up some misconceptions about your christian America. Even you quasi-quantum physicists can't argue with this one.

Oh, and if that doesn't put you in denial enough, read this from the liberal U.K.

Can't be true!

Better research it.

Bleeding heart liberal bastards!

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Off to another adventure.

Well, the FAA is already putting me to the grind. Be leavin on Sun or Mon to Oklahoma City for 10 weeks. This is only the beginning. I get to go back there-again and again. Good thing I get paid your tax dollars to go to school.
Today was my last day at Collins. They threw me a pizza party and then I got to tear up a piper comanche. Brought my tools home and tossed 'em into the garage. Now I got more tools to play with at home. Better make sure I pack a few metrics, never know when you need a good tool or two.
Mikey, the drink of choice is a straight shot of Bombay Gin. Chase it with Guiness Extra Stout and you're on it. Might knock off a piece of the old lady. Won't be getting it for a bit. Hell, maybe I will run over to Tulsa and harass a few Airmen. Do they still go to school over there or are we sending them all to E-city? Let me know, maybe I can fuck with a few from North Bend. Here are some Halloween pics in remembrance of real men/women?

Notice I found Jesus in the last one! I always suspected Jesus was attracted to male angels. Look at that drunk-ass angel. He needs another one...

Thursday, September 29, 2005

You're Hired!

Well, its been eleven months and the FAA finally offered me a job in E-ville. Back to working for the government. No more fixin Joe-Schmo's 172 or some rich asshole's plane he gets a tax-break on. Ah, but no more working on this. Or this beautiful baby. Okay, the rocket was really yellow, but you get the idea. My boss offered me more money, but he couldn't compete with your tax money. Not to mention the benefits your tax money gives me :) Thanks alot! Don't worry, I will make sure you get the signals you need to land, just remember to have it serviced at Collins, they do a decent job. I will let you all know how it is. Mikey, don't worry, you just let me know when you become retarded and I will hook you up best I can. In the meantime, enjoy this.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Whistling Shit-can

"Fellow Aviators, be proud." That preceded these pics a brother sent me. They should be proud. Shout out to Bulldog, Lamb-boy, and J.D. I know you guys and the rest hauled ass like most of us never have experienced. Here's a clip of them in action. It's a good feeling to know why they work so hard to keep that whistling shit-can in the sky. I don't care what those jack-ass politicians say, you guys do one helluva job.

Thursday, September 15, 2005


It's pronounced eff-taff. Stands for "Fuck The Air Force". In the words of reserve U.S.M.C. Senior Master Sergeant Mohler (ret.): "The Air Force is not part of the military." I couldn't agree more. These fucks cry if they don't get their "latte", or breaky time. Not to mention if they work over their 32 hour work week. Pussies. They don't get any better when they make sillyvilian either.

Enough about candy-asses. I drank some wild turkey tonite to remember drinking wild turkey.

Anybody looking for a broken tweet? I am tired of standing on my head for rich fucks.

Anyone got any good sea stories? Lately, I've been a bit short of any. I guess you can replay your own only so many times.

Watching ABC primtime. They got a show on about the flu, earthquakes, and nuclear bombs. Must be cause of Katrina. What a great job our media is doing. Making every fucking American spaz out over mass death and destruction. Have another drink and then quit worrying. Pussies. I should get a bunch of plastic bags and sell them on ebay as antiflu-radiation-earthquake protective devices for 20 bucks apiece.

We're nothing but stupid animals. We leach off another group, animal or our own race, to survive. Then, when shit hits the fan, we turn into monkies again and do what we have to survive. Any bit of being human stops functioning and the animal part takes over. It's a primal thing. It's what holds us back from the next step of evolution. Fine, the few that can overcome and survive will just make things better. We all had a good run. As monkies.

Drink some Turkey, bitches. Accept your place with the monkies.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Shit and more shit....

If you have ever jumped out of a perfectly good Coast Guard aircraft you might want to see this. For those of you who do not know who this is, it's JoBoo-the Aviation Survival Technician a.k.a. Rescue Swimmer "A" school mascot. Aye, the AMTs stole him and held him for hostage. Blame them!

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Army Bitch

Be warned, Michael. We wouldn't want this to happen again! As you can see, I was the compassionate one of the group...

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Fuck-you Mikey

Fuck-you Mike. Your kid might have my eyes and my wang, and might have been conceived while you were throwing fruit and rotorwash on drug smugglers in the gulf, but I'm NOT fucking paying child support. Kelly might have gotten her pipes cleaned a few times, or twice a day, while you were hangin with the boat people, but I always finished in the dirt! Ha! Besides, I blew all my money at (NSFW!!!). Oh, in other news, my wife is still for sale. That is all.

Friday, August 19, 2005


Finally got his attention...
Bullshitting with his brothers.
The colors. Haaaand Salute!
A Stearman for you aviation types.

The boy off to his adventure. He'll be a different person when back from this one, I would guess. It's his turn to do it. We will not forget.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Well, I met 4 more coasties today. Came from Elizabeth city, NC in an HH60 Jayhawk. Didn't know them, but they are family nonetheless. That makes 5 Coasties met working at Collins. One was a retarded(retired) HH65 Dolphin pilot named Paul. If I could do it again, I would. Even if I had to spend another 4 years in the boat world. Heads up to Eddie Scar-burry, Keith aka "Short-stuff"-you little midget bastard, Chief "J.W." Monty, Mikey "Two-toes" Pet-rat-tell Kelly I will clean her pipes ASAP,Bitch Rosen, Hugh "cue" the fucked up kid who put up with my wire/Nicad training-Ohm's law explains everything!!!, Bondage, Rascal, Fresus, Travis the worm-farmer aka "Casper"-hope Dea isn't nagging you too bad, Stuck-in-the-mud Delton, Doc Louie, Livin la vida Malocha, Chief Stiffler, MCPO Frankie D., Red-ass, Sean Anthony "Boomhauer", Crummy you dirty bastard, Chonforti, Jimmy Fise stupefieser, Frankie S., Lt. Josh-something about Molly?, Kallballs-you MSK slut-melts in your mouth-bitch!, Cdr Pat, CDR Jeff-thanks for the morale, Andy F., Big Al the sillyvilian, Yucko the bitch-clown from Mobile, AMTC Gilbert, Skinner the sinner, Too-fucking-Tall, Barbra-you'll figure it all out, Tommy M.-stay away from Stinky and Rotney you Cuban fuck, Sibilner Fuchs, La Coya-I'm still black, beeyatch, Lt. Zack and Schmitty, Sully, Mr. D., Larry the swimmer, MEATBALL!- you fat ass crazy jumper, ASTC Gonzo-thanks for the Frank's intro, Mikey S., CWO4 Fitz, LZ, Senior K.D., Matty you computer nerd, AMTC(ret.) Mark S.-you taught me honor, Former CWO Andrew now Lt. j.g. Cookie-you showed me my CG family, and every god damned bastard that I can't remember cause of this Bacardi I drank for all of you-I had to drink alot, motherfuckers. Smooth tailwinds and keep in touch. How I wish that I could be there with you once again. It's amazing how much we took for granted. Don't take it for granted, ever. Now, I am stuck in this boring civilian life. Don't worry, I'm gonna help you still, just give me a few years and you'll see it.

The Coffee Bastard.
Enjoy your cup of dirt!
"A cup of Joe for every man, woman, and ass!"
-Juan Valdez' mule

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

So I went and blew a bunch of money today and realized that I can't get fired from my job yet. What's up with the lack of atheism books in the bookstores these days? There were four books compared to hundreds of christian-oriented books from various bibles (women's, children's, men's, dog's, cat's, roadrunner's, etc.) to how to praise Bob properly while taking a shower. I guess it's all about the market with these stores. And since we are in hyper neo-con northern kentucky, bubba wants his redneck's devotional bible (less confusing terminology and bigger letters). Okay, but seriously, how can we expect people to look at things with an open mind when we don't publish but a few books that barely make it to the stores? Maybe we don't need the extra bullshit, since we can explain away most ideology with simple deduction and wonderful, logical reason.
When my co-workers discovered my science emblem (a fish converted to a rocket ship with "science" engraved inside the rocket ship) I was shunned for months. Should I blame them for their close-minded behavior? Or the institution of religion-it and the priests, who are way wiser in the origins of life, set their minds because "my daddy and his daddy said so". I would love to tell them how stupid a side of me feels they are. But can I blame them? Society as a whole breathes religion-partly due to some group saying it is right and partly because of laziness. Who told this or that group it was right? Another group. But who told them? Lazy because we don't want to ponder all the options more than once. Atheists have to reevaluate the facts and lies. At least I do. I have to.
Now they are screaming intelligent design. You mean you don't literally interpret the bible? Well, if that's the case, then you can alter it to fit any new or old scientific theory. I read the bibles. I even took a peek at the Quran-pretty similar stuff and still way off. So let's throw them both out, cause if you aren't going to literally interpret the bibles, you aren't going to literally interpret the facts. How can you have a real discussion with a christian if they bend the everything to suit their needs? Lets compare the Catholic bibles to the protestant bibles: five or six more books than the protestant? Okay, Bob said catholics get more to read cause they have been bad. Sheesh, I need a drink. Enough for tonight.
Here's a good bible verse that you christians out there should easily explain with non-literal interpretation: It gets good at 31:17.
I wonder how they figured out which one's were virgins?
Good night!

One more good link:

Friday, July 22, 2005

Doing here?

What the hell am I doing here? Mainly just to chuck insults at my brothers, I suppose. Oh first post, how about a bit about me. I am a retired Coast Guard avionics technician who served honorably guarding our coasts from 2000-2005. Yes, I am retired. I blew out my back while doing a combination of flying/exercising/drinking while active duty so they booted me and gave me the title "retired". Or maybe "retarded" is better. Oh well, I would have never gotten out if they didn't kick me out one way or another. Yes, I would have been a "lifer"-contrary to the belief that many of my "A" school buddies had. So, I moved back to Indiana where I bought a house and got a job breaking civvie aircraft for the time being. Now, I am trying to get out of this place and back to somewhere that resembles my coastie life of honor, integrity, and good shipmates... I guess I am a pterodactyl now, so on with the nostalgia.
Any old airdales/shipmates that have any good sea stories feel free to post away. You drink for free over here in candyland.