Tuesday, April 09, 2019

"Bad Blood"
5 Rounds:
1:00 - Max Burpee Box Jumps (20")
1:00 - Clean high pull (155)
1:00 - Echo Bike Calories
1:00 - Rest

151 but I was interrupted by some nice Mexicano Hombres. Extra Rest!

Recovery Row1800 Meter Row
Meters 0-200 - 2K Pace + 15 Seconds
Meters 201-400 - 2K Pace + 10 Seconds
Meters 401-600 - 2K Pace + 5 Seconds
Repeat this process for a total of (3) rounds, with no rest between. Focusing on finding paces today, building awareness of speeds.

7:16 and miserable

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