Thursday, September 04, 2008

Thursday 080904

Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3 reps

225-275-315-325-335(got 1 off then failed on 2)-315 x 3 for a make-up

CFWU x 3

I am focusing on form during the CFWU since that needs to get better and I am also doing 15 reps of everything. Time to quit slacking ass. Summer is over. And there is one person I need to keep impressed. So I think I am going to take it up a notch, increase caloric load by 500 to 1000 calories to make up for the shit I am going to burn, and try to bulk up over the next month to 200lbs. I was 197 this morning, so the extra 3 will be a great addition. I think that I can still keep my body fat below 5% while I do this.

A note on today's WOD: My back was tweaked from Tuesday's workout. The deadlift is a sure fire way to help realign the lower back muscle and give it that stretch it needs. If I had known about this stuff in the Coast Guard, I still might be getting paid to pull hovers instead of watching them on videos.


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