Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Push press 5x5

175. Failed on rd 4 but pushed it out on 5 again. Not bad for throwing my body weight overhead. Slightly tweaked my back.

I'm surpised that I had the strength since I have been cutting body fat down to around 3% lately. I'm starting to wonder if an 8 pack is worth the loss of energy and muscle mass costs. Gonna increase protein and fat consumption this week since if seems to have no effect on body fat storage. Rather it improves my performance so far. Oh that and time. I'll reassess in Feb with some benchmarks.

50 ring dips after that. It's been awhile since I've posted photos. Actually, since June 2008. Here is an update.

From 2 weeks ago

How do you define progress? I wonder if true progress is made this way or with strength gains? Can we have both and is a decrepit old coastie a good example?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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