Saturday, July 26, 2008

New P.R.!

Previous 5k time from June 14th run in Boonville: 22:25

Midnight Streak 5k time: 21:16 unofficially.

Should get the place results soon enough! I'd like to thank Robert for coaching my form, Greg Glassman for coaching my way of life, and let's see...oh, Jamie-for putting up with me before the run. I can't wait to meet you in person! And who says doing 3 practice 5ks in a day is such a bad thing? 

There were some times during the race that I could have pushed things harder. I'm looking for a sub 20 min P.R. by next summer. I think that's enough time, especially if I invest the time and money into better shoes and better form. 

I ran neck to neck the first 4k with some latino fella. You gotta give this guy credit. He was overweight (even kinda smelly). At 4k, I picked up pace for time and he said, "Take it, Bro." And to which I replied, "There's enough road for both of us." Well, he came in a few seconds behind me, but still working hard. I know it was a good finish, cause I almost threw up with mine. 

The only thing I regret, besides the laziness in some of the run, was that it is over. I really didn't think that I was going to make a good time since I have never ran at night and it was past my bedtime. They had beer and an awards ceremony, I usually don't stick around for that. 

Someone took some pics, so I will see if they are online tomorrow and try to post them. 


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