Wednesday, March 09, 2011


Bench Press; 3 reps at 80% of your 1RM ,EMOM for 8 Min

W.O.D.(CrossFit Balboa)


KB Swings (35lb/53lb)

Box Jumps(18"/24")

Plate Sit-ups(25lb/45lb)

bench: 210 and all completed. Justin, my new friend, paired up with me and couldn't finish.

Metcon: 13:32

I beat everyone. I was pushed. My box jumps all landed near the center of the box and I hit the balls of my feet. I can still walk. I'm seeing a correlation between tobacco dip and performance. I haven't used any in over 24 hours. Same as last week. I'm gonna read up on the effects. This may be why I'm so much slower and not progressing. Now to make it permanent. Then I just have to deal with the back injury and the booze.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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