Friday, June 17, 2016


1: Bench press: Warm up then:

-70% x 3 reps

-80% x 3 reps

-90% x 3+ reps

*Take the percentages off of 90% of your 1 RM.

2: 5 rounds, not for time:

-10x 1-arm DB row, 10R/10L (AHAP)

-10x Stiff legged deadlifts (medium weight…between 75-85% 1RM Clean)

Work Capacity: 5 rounds – Complete as many reps as possible in 3 minutes of:

-3x bear complex (135#/95#)

*1 rep = 1x power clean + 1x front squat + 1x push press + 1x back squat + 1x push press and it is OK to link movements together.

-6x box jump over (24in/20in)

-9x toes to bar

*Rest 60 seconds between each 3 minute AMRAP

Bench was based off of 275 but I didn't have a spotter

Used a 58lb KB for rows and stiff DL was 185. Ouch my back.

I did one RD each 3" for the conditioning. Scaled the box to 20" and just did jumps cause of my knee. It's Friday night and I've had no food. It's been a helluva week for WODs.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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