Thursday, June 09, 2016


1: Bench press: Warm up then:

-65% x 5 reps

-75% x 5 reps

-85% x 5+ reps

2: 5 rounds – For max reps:

-Max rep strict press (60% body weight)

-Max rep chest to bar pull ups

*Rest as needed between rounds. Score is total number of reps performed.

Work Capacity:

1: 3 rounds – Each for time:

-20x calories on rower

-60 seconds rest

2: 2 rounds – Each for time:

-25x thruster (75#/55#)

-60 seconds rest

3: 1 round – For time:

-30x toes to bar

Bench was off of 275

61 reps for the press and C2B were all strict

Last part I subbed DUs for the cal row and thrusters were 65 lbs due to knee issues

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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