Monday, June 13, 2016

Snatch complex: 10 rounds – Every 2 minutes, perform:

-1x power snatch + 1x hang squat snatch + 1x squat snatch (Work up to a max for the day)

*Does not have to be touch and go, but no longer than 3 seconds between reps.

2) Back squat: Warm up then:

-70% x 3 reps superset with 1x depth jump (30-42″)

-80% x 3 reps superset with 1x depth jump (30-42″)

-90% x 3+ reps superset with 1x depth jump (30-42″)

Snatch was at 135 for my knees sake

Didn't superset depth jumps and used 300lb as my ref.

Work Capacity:

1: 3 rounds – Every 2 minutes complete:

-15x power clean (95#/65#)

-15x pull ups

*Rest 2 minutes between moving onto portion #2.

2: 3 rounds – Every 90 seconds complete:

-10x shoulder to overhead (95#/65#)

-10x chest to bar pull ups

Didn't make time on this but did it for time which was 8" ish and 5" ish.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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