Saturday, February 12, 2011

2 person partner workout. Each partner is tasked to finish the following work:

2 muscle-ups or 6 dips and 6 pull-ups
4 rope climbs or 48 belt pull-ups
6 ring dips or dips
8 knees to elbows
10 handstand push-ups
12 burpees
14 wall balls (M:20#/W:14#)
16 kettlebell swings (M:53#/W:35#)
18 pull-ups
20 dumbbell thrusters (M:35#/W:25#)
22 135lb/95lb Deadlifts
24 sit-ups
26 air squats
28 double unders
One partner rows 500m while the other chips away at the work one item (in order) at a time. Once the first rower is done with 500m, the partners switch. Each person will row 500m five times. Always start your work where you left off. Each partner will post the time that it took to finish all 14 movements, but will continue to switch on the row until five 500m rows have been completed.

Teamed with Jared.

28:44 Rxd

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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