Monday, August 04, 2008

Evening workout

5-5-5-5-5 reps of:

Back Squat
Front Squat
Dead lift




My lower back is still too weak. I have troll legs, built for squats, but my back continues to limit things. Well, it takes time to rehab that kind of muscle, and I'm not giving up.

Better news: I have been invited to the Vanderburgh Co. Sheriff's dept training center to train with a deputy. That's fuckin awesome. They are all getting into Crossfit, and Eric, the deputy, is interested in my kettlebell work. I'm so fuckin there! We will be doing "Helen", so it should be a blast! The EPD is getting into it too, but how awesome is that? Can you say, "Crossfit gym"? Soon.

Are all my dreams suddenly coming true? They started last Friday night...


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