Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Only Wt Tng

Only did weighttraining today as there were too many jack-asses in the gym and it was raining outside. Same as before. 50 and 75% warm ups then 3 sets of 7 max weight. Superset two at a time.

Barbell T-bar row 100 lbs max weight
Incline barbell press 185lbs

Seated row 200lbs
Decline dumbell press 80 lbs each

Cable side deltoid raise 60 lbs
Lat pulldown 180 lbs

Decline skull crushers 90lb
Biceps curl-EZ bar 90lb

Total time: 1:10

Total Cal during wo: 1080
Total including post wo: 1466

Not a bad burn for no Crossfit. Who said weight training doesn't burn Cal like cardio?

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