Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Wednesday 12/22/2010 “12 Gifts of CrossFit”
​​​​12 Squats
​​​​11 Sit Ups
​​​​10 Wall Balls 20#/14#
​​​​ 9 KTBS 53#/36#
​​​​ 8 Burpees
​​​​ 7 Box Jumps
​​​​ 6 Deadlifts 95#/65#
​​​​ 5 Hang Cleans 95#/65#
​​​​ 4 Thrusters 95#/65#
​​​​ 3 Racked Lunges 95#/65#
​​​​ 2 Front Squats 95#/65#
​​​​1 Mile Run J

Begin with your 12 squats, then go back to the top and do 12 squats, and 11 sit-ups. Then back to top and do 12 squats, 11 situps, 10 wallballs...and so on until you get to the 2 front squat. Then you do the whole thing one last time and run 1 mile. For Rx do all body-weight reps in unbroken sets, and do not put bar down between 95lb-weighted sets.



- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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