Monday, March 08, 2010

Time? Where did it go??


CFWU x 2 lite

30 Muscle-ups for time.


Not my best, but I was hurtin today. Blew out the back, recovering.

Group WOD


Run 400m Row 500m Stretching.

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of:

20lb Wall ball 10 ft target
Pull-ups chest to bar


This sucked. I'm still not 100% and my mouth is dry as hell from the meds I'm takin. I finished and almost puked. Good group to puke with though. I need to practice my burpees.

We did back squat. Mark was a good instructor on my form. He's a sharp fella with lotsa knowledge. I didn't squat much cause of the back but I think I learned how to do it better.


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