205 lb push jerk 1 rm tho I think I can snag 225
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Thursday, December 29, 2011
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
10 power snatch (as heavy as possible)
10 overhead squat (same weight as snatch)
200 m sprint row
8 power snatch
8 overhead squat
200 m sprint row
6 power snatch
6 overhead squat
200 m sprint row
4 power snatch
4 overhead squat
200 m sprint row
2 power snatch
2 overhead squat
200m sprint row
10:12 at 95 lbs. numb foot.
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10 overhead squat (same weight as snatch)
200 m sprint row
8 power snatch
8 overhead squat
200 m sprint row
6 power snatch
6 overhead squat
200 m sprint row
4 power snatch
4 overhead squat
200 m sprint row
2 power snatch
2 overhead squat
200m sprint row
10:12 at 95 lbs. numb foot.
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Friday, December 23, 2011
12 Days of Christmas
1 Squat Clean (185/125)
2 Handstand Push Up
3 Pull Up
4 KB Swing (1.5/1 pood)
5 Box Jump (30/24)
6 Sit Up
7 Deadlift (185/125) or wall ball 20/14
8 Push Up
9 Squat
10 DU's
11 Burpee
12 Toes to Bar
Wall balls. 31:26. I'm still sick after over a week of coughing up shit.
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1 Squat Clean (185/125)
2 Handstand Push Up
3 Pull Up
4 KB Swing (1.5/1 pood)
5 Box Jump (30/24)
6 Sit Up
7 Deadlift (185/125) or wall ball 20/14
8 Push Up
9 Squat
10 DU's
11 Burpee
12 Toes to Bar
Wall balls. 31:26. I'm still sick after over a week of coughing up shit.
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Thursday, December 22, 2011
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011
Complete the following for time:
5 squat cleans/1 rope climb/200m run
4 squat cleans/1 rope climb/200m run
3 squat cleans/1 rope climb/200m run
2 squat cleans/1 rope climb/200m run
1 squat clean/1 rope climb/200m run
Weight is 155# for men and 105# for women.
I subbed G2O cause Jared can't do squats now. He still beat me and I'm coughing up my lungs.
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Thursday, December 15, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Thursday, December 08, 2011
50 American kettlebell swings (M:53#/W:35#)
10 double unders
40 kettlebell swings
20 double unders
30 kettlebell swings
30 double unders
20 kettlebell swings
40 double unders
10 kettlebell swings
50 double unders
12:28. I broke it up in sets of 15 and 10 for kbs which seemed to help. Back doesn't feel too bad considering. Rxd.
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10 double unders
40 kettlebell swings
20 double unders
30 kettlebell swings
30 double unders
20 kettlebell swings
40 double unders
10 kettlebell swings
50 double unders
12:28. I broke it up in sets of 15 and 10 for kbs which seemed to help. Back doesn't feel too bad considering. Rxd.
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Wednesday, December 07, 2011
Monday, December 05, 2011
Complete four rounds for time of:
20 over the bar medball throws
20 GHD sit-ups or variant
400m row
The over the bar medball throw is simple. Pick a weight on the medball. Pick a height on the bar.Throw the ball over the bar and catch it on the other side. Repeat for 20 reps.
Wall balls in lieu of over-the-bar and abmat su's.
I had to shit so bad afterward I'll blame Jared and the turtle pie he tricked me into eating cause he ate a cinnamon wheel.
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20 over the bar medball throws
20 GHD sit-ups or variant
400m row
The over the bar medball throw is simple. Pick a weight on the medball. Pick a height on the bar.Throw the ball over the bar and catch it on the other side. Repeat for 20 reps.
Wall balls in lieu of over-the-bar and abmat su's.
I had to shit so bad afterward I'll blame Jared and the turtle pie he tricked me into eating cause he ate a cinnamon wheel.
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Friday, December 02, 2011
Thursday, December 01, 2011
5 strict bar MU
20 pistols
12:51 and I'm so stiff that my pistols were pathetic. Granted I did a mean wod yesterday but it seems my right leg and my left leg is weaker. Poss due to bein off for a week. Well I said I'd program another month of gym WODS for rehab...
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Tuesday, November 22, 2011
100 sit-ups as fast as possible. Max unbroken sit ups should be recorded
Rest 1 min
100 air squats as fast as possible. Max unbroken air squats should be recorded
Rest 1 min
100 DU as fast as possible. Max unbroken DU should be recorded
Rest 1 min
100 back ext as fast as possible. Max unbroken back ext should be recorded
Rest 1 min
100 box jumps as fast as possible. Max unbroken box jumps should be recorded 24"/20"
Sit ups: 100
Back ext: 33
DU: 41
Box jumps: 11
Air squats: 43
26 minutes. I'm weak on box jumps and back extensions.
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Monday, November 21, 2011
Friday, November 18, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Monday, November 14, 2011
Friday, November 04, 2011
Thursday, November 03, 2011
Tuesday, November 01, 2011
Monday, October 31, 2011
Friday, October 28, 2011
2007 CrossFit Games "Hopper" Workout
Complete the following for time:
• Row 1000m
Then do five rounds of:
• 25 pull-ups
• 7 push jerks (M:135#/W:95#)
27:52 strict pull-ups. My right foot went almost completely numb last night. During the row I kept up with Jared and finished abt 1 sec after he did so maybe he was goin easy on me.
That really sucked.
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Thursday, October 27, 2011
Monday, October 24, 2011
Saturday, October 22, 2011
* 50 box jumps, 24" box
* 50 jumping pull-ups
* 50 kettlebell swings, 1 pood
* 50 walking lunge steps
* 50 knees to elbows
* 50 push presses, 45 pounds
* 50 back extensions
* 50 wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
* 50 burpees
* 50 double-unders
Pathetic. I thought I was doin 100 du so I paced myself. Next time.
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Friday, October 21, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
• 3 front squats at 75% of the last 3 rep max completed above
• 5 handstand push-ups
• 7 ring dips
4 rds plus 2 HSPU. Dips were muscle upped to execute
Row 500
10 BSU
Row 400
20 BSU
Row 300
30 BSU
Row 200
40 BSU
Row 100
50 BSU
Max DHMU x 3
1 frenchie on the minute for a max of 30 min
16 min then I gassed.
10-20 min GHD hold
3:17 10 min
No warm up or DHMU
No GHD hold since I did today's WOD.
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Friday, October 07, 2011
100 du
57 unbroken PR
Free HSPU 20 attempts
-AMRAP 20 min-
5 skin the cat
10 HSPU w Kip if poss
15 lunges
5 rds plus 2 skins
10 min L hold
I only did DU for warm up for lack of time and they were pathetic.
PR on the WOD
No time for L's. It'll get easier when my wife lives with me and I have the house ready for Ty :) then I can practice more often.
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57 unbroken PR
Free HSPU 20 attempts
-AMRAP 20 min-
5 skin the cat
10 HSPU w Kip if poss
15 lunges
5 rds plus 2 skins
10 min L hold
I only did DU for warm up for lack of time and they were pathetic.
PR on the WOD
No time for L's. It'll get easier when my wife lives with me and I have the house ready for Ty :) then I can practice more often.
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Tuesday, October 04, 2011
Monday, October 03, 2011
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Monday, September 26, 2011
Friday, September 23, 2011
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Monday, September 19, 2011
Friday, September 16, 2011
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Row 500
10 BSU
Row 400
20 BSU
Row 300
30 BSU
Row 200
40 BSU
Row 100
50 BSU
Max DHMU x 3
1 frenchie the first min, 2 frenchies the 2nd min, 3...
10-20 min GHD hold
Untimed warm up
3-4-3 on DHMU. Weak.
4 frenchies but I had a visitor so I think I could have gotten six.
GHD hold? Fuck. Ran out of time. Story of my life. Used to be no one else was up so driving was a breeze. Then ppl used to not bother me. Assholes.
I'll try to get in this afternoon.
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10 BSU
Row 400
20 BSU
Row 300
30 BSU
Row 200
40 BSU
Row 100
50 BSU
Max DHMU x 3
1 frenchie the first min, 2 frenchies the 2nd min, 3...
10-20 min GHD hold
Untimed warm up
3-4-3 on DHMU. Weak.
4 frenchies but I had a visitor so I think I could have gotten six.
GHD hold? Fuck. Ran out of time. Story of my life. Used to be no one else was up so driving was a breeze. Then ppl used to not bother me. Assholes.
I'll try to get in this afternoon.
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Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011
Thursday, September 08, 2011
Wednesday, September 07, 2011
4 lunges the first min, 8 lunges..
20 min max plank
5 RFR's
1 min max burpees
1 min max KTE
7 min for lunge. Weak.
12:44 for plank hold.
47 burpees and 54 KTE but I think I'll just sum all of it so 101 total. Pathetic.
This WOD was good to knock out the soreness from "Meadow". While doin burpees I still had pain shooting down to my foot. I hope this leaves me soon. I picked up on KTE. My back pops like it has arthritis but maybe it's just in need of time to adjust to not having half a disc.
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Tuesday, September 06, 2011
Run 400-200-100
Max 3 attempts walking pull ups
20 lunges
30 AS
40 DU
Walking pulls: 6,4,5 my hands just werent there after yesterday
WOD: 13:52 may have miscounted squats in the last round so I did 10 xtra
10 min max time L hold
Wow this was shitty painful.
1:55 or 115 seconds
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Monday, September 05, 2011
Friday, September 02, 2011
Thursday, September 01, 2011
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
100 DU. Untimed
GymWOD: 08/29 GWOD - AMRAP in 10mins: 15ft Rope Climb, 10 Pistols (5 per leg). FINISH with: 100 Hollow Rocks.
Sub superman instead of hollow rocks
6 rds
Right leg won't work as good so some form degradation but still a good move
3:54 super.
Handstand practice
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Friday, August 26, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Monday, August 22, 2011
100 reps bench 135
The Bear Complex
Attempt five complexes. Rest as needed between complexes. One complex is seven rounds of:
1 power clean
1 front squat
1 push press
1 back squat
1 push press
Pick your start weight and try to go up each attempt. Don't get greedy with that start weight! The Bear Complex is a definite kick in the balls. The bar should only tap the floor before starting the power cleans in between rounds. If you let go of the bar at any point during the seven rounds, it is a failed attempt. You can combine movements. You can do a squat clean into a thruster into a back squat and into a rack thruster. You can deadlift off the floor (after you tap and go) and do a hang power clean. The combinations are endless. You can rest while holding the bar at any part of the body. You have five attempts.
95 lb was more than enough for my back
Pull up ladder
10 strict
10 1pood
10 1.5 pood
10 1 pood
10 strict
Untimed and all broken.
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The Bear Complex
Attempt five complexes. Rest as needed between complexes. One complex is seven rounds of:
1 power clean
1 front squat
1 push press
1 back squat
1 push press
Pick your start weight and try to go up each attempt. Don't get greedy with that start weight! The Bear Complex is a definite kick in the balls. The bar should only tap the floor before starting the power cleans in between rounds. If you let go of the bar at any point during the seven rounds, it is a failed attempt. You can combine movements. You can do a squat clean into a thruster into a back squat and into a rack thruster. You can deadlift off the floor (after you tap and go) and do a hang power clean. The combinations are endless. You can rest while holding the bar at any part of the body. You have five attempts.
95 lb was more than enough for my back
Pull up ladder
10 strict
10 1pood
10 1.5 pood
10 1 pood
10 strict
Untimed and all broken.
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Friday, August 19, 2011
Thursday, August 18, 2011
135 bench 100 reps untimed
100 du. 20 unbroken. Foot is still numb but I really felt good abt them after some critique from Jared
AMRAP 20 min dead hang bar MU.
21 reps
As soon as I can Kip again I'll switch up to using my R arm to get over the bar. For now my left has to do it.
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100 du. 20 unbroken. Foot is still numb but I really felt good abt them after some critique from Jared
AMRAP 20 min dead hang bar MU.
21 reps
As soon as I can Kip again I'll switch up to using my R arm to get over the bar. For now my left has to do it.
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Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Pull up ladder
Max strict pull ups
Match with 1 pood weighted pulls
Match with 1.5 pood weighted pulls
Match with 1 pood weighted pulls
Match with strict pulls
10 strict.
5 min handstand hold.
Slight pain in my back. Huge class today. I need to make more time for skill work.
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Max strict pull ups
Match with 1 pood weighted pulls
Match with 1.5 pood weighted pulls
Match with 1 pood weighted pulls
Match with strict pulls
10 strict.
5 min handstand hold.
Slight pain in my back. Huge class today. I need to make more time for skill work.
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Friday, August 12, 2011
Well here I am almost 4 weeks after major back surgery.
"Time Trials"
Complete each of the following tasks within one hour in any order of your choosing:
Row 500m for time 1:54
Run 400m for time 1:54
100 pull-ups for time 18:32 & strict.
100 push-ups for time 5:57
100 Abmat sit-ups for time-Not performed.
I'm very out of shape. I almost vomited during my sprint. Every athlete except one beat all my times in running and rowing.
I see the surgeon today.
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"Time Trials"
Complete each of the following tasks within one hour in any order of your choosing:
Row 500m for time 1:54
Run 400m for time 1:54
100 pull-ups for time 18:32 & strict.
100 push-ups for time 5:57
100 Abmat sit-ups for time-Not performed.
I'm very out of shape. I almost vomited during my sprint. Every athlete except one beat all my times in running and rowing.
I see the surgeon today.
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Thursday, June 30, 2011
Monday, June 06, 2011
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Friday, May 20, 2011
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Complete 3 rounds for time of:
Run 400m with weight
25 Squats with weight
25 Push-ups with weight
25 Walking Lunge Steps with weight
25 Sit-ups with weight
This workout is done using a bumper plate or steel plate.
will use a 45# plate. Women will use a 25# plate. You
can do anchored Abmat sit-ups for the sit-ups. Try sticking
your feet under some dumbbells.
I did 5 rds but at 3 it was 31:59 and @5 it was 55:05
Perfect form. I coulda picked up the pace tho
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Complete 3 rounds for time of:
Run 400m with weight
25 Squats with weight
25 Push-ups with weight
25 Walking Lunge Steps with weight
25 Sit-ups with weight
This workout is done using a bumper plate or steel plate.
will use a 45# plate. Women will use a 25# plate. You
can do anchored Abmat sit-ups for the sit-ups. Try sticking
your feet under some dumbbells.
I did 5 rds but at 3 it was 31:59 and @5 it was 55:05
Perfect form. I coulda picked up the pace tho
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Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Every minute on the minute for 8 minutes perform:
2 front squats at 70% of 1 rep max
1 box jump as high as possible
Complete five rounds of:
Max reps body weight bench press
Max pull-ups
185 FS
Dolphin pull-ups? May have to consider them.
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2 front squats at 70% of 1 rep max
1 box jump as high as possible
Complete five rounds of:
Max reps body weight bench press
Max pull-ups
185 FS
Dolphin pull-ups? May have to consider them.
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Monday, May 16, 2011
Row 1000m for time
Rest 2 minutes
Run 800m for time
Rest 2 minutes
Row 500m for time
Rest 2 minutes
Run 400m for time
Rest 2 minutes
Row 250m for time
Rest 2 minutes
Run 200m for time
Interesting to note that my longer distances were significantly slower than my teammates but 500m or below I matched or improved on their time. I still hobble my 800m sprints.
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Rest 2 minutes
Run 800m for time
Rest 2 minutes
Row 500m for time
Rest 2 minutes
Run 400m for time
Rest 2 minutes
Row 250m for time
Rest 2 minutes
Run 200m for time
Interesting to note that my longer distances were significantly slower than my teammates but 500m or below I matched or improved on their time. I still hobble my 800m sprints.
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Saturday, May 14, 2011
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Monday, May 09, 2011
Thursday, May 05, 2011
Monday, May 02, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
Within one hour, complete the following:
"Grace"- 30 power clean to overhead for time (M:135#/W:95#)
5k row for time
You can row first or do "Grace" first. Rest as long as needed between efforts, but to complete as RX'd, you must finish within one hour.
3:42 great form 19:55 row
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"Grace"- 30 power clean to overhead for time (M:135#/W:95#)
5k row for time
You can row first or do "Grace" first. Rest as long as needed between efforts, but to complete as RX'd, you must finish within one hour.
3:42 great form 19:55 row
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Friday, April 22, 2011
omplete the following for time: I am thinking we make make the
prescribed loads (135/95) which is pretty freaking heavy for this.
* 5 barbell strict press
* 1 rope climb (15')
* 10 push press
* 1 rope climb
* 15 push or split jerk
* 1 rope climb
* Bench press to failure
* 1 rope climb
* 15 push or split jerk
* 1 rope climb
* 10 push press
* 1 rope climb
* 5 strict press
1300. Had jared pushing me. Makes all the difference.
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prescribed loads (135/95) which is pretty freaking heavy for this.
* 5 barbell strict press
* 1 rope climb (15')
* 10 push press
* 1 rope climb
* 15 push or split jerk
* 1 rope climb
* Bench press to failure
* 1 rope climb
* 15 push or split jerk
* 1 rope climb
* 10 push press
* 1 rope climb
* 5 strict press
1300. Had jared pushing me. Makes all the difference.
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Monday, April 18, 2011
Complete as many rounds as possible in ten minutes of:
* 3 power snatch (M:95#/W:65#)
* 4 power clean to overhead (M:135#/W:95#)
* 5 kettlebell swings (M:53#/W:35#)
8 rds. No back injury tho I thought I did it in when I was rocking on the inversion boots. May be time for another MRI soon. I can def tell where the disc is nowadays.
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* 3 power snatch (M:95#/W:65#)
* 4 power clean to overhead (M:135#/W:95#)
* 5 kettlebell swings (M:53#/W:35#)
8 rds. No back injury tho I thought I did it in when I was rocking on the inversion boots. May be time for another MRI soon. I can def tell where the disc is nowadays.
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Friday, April 15, 2011
• In 2.5 minutes, run 200m and with remaining time complete as many ring pull-ups as possible
• Rest 2 minutes
• In 2.5 minutes, run 200m and with remaining time complete as many clapping push-ups as possible
• Rest 2 minutes
• In 2.5 minutes, run 200m and with remaining time complete as many Abmat sit-ups as possible
• Rest two minutes
• Repeat entire sequence
25-26-48=99 round 1
18-32-44=94 rd 2
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Thursday, April 14, 2011
Tuesday, April 05, 2011
Perform as many reps of Fran as possible in 3 minutes
Rest 3 minutes
Perform as many reps of Isabel as possible in 3 minutes
Rest 3 minutes
Perform as many reps of Grace as possible in 3 minutes
Rest 3 minutes
Perform as many 15' rope climbs as possible in 3 minutes
"Fran"- 21/15/9 reps for time of thrusters (M:95#/W:65#) and pull-ups
"Isabel"- 30 power snatch for time (M:135#/W:95#)
"Grace"- 30 power clean to overhead for time (M:135#/W:95#)
Perform "Fran" as normal until the 3 minute time expires. The goal of the entire workout is to get as many reps as possible in the 12 minutes of work.
Went easy on the snatches which hurt me for time. But I'm walking.
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Monday, April 04, 2011
Overhead Squat 5x3 (10min)
**"5x3" is five sets all done at the same weight. You are trying to go as heavy as possible for five sets, but it is important that you get all three reps of every set, so don't go so heavy that you miss reps.
Complete five rounds for time of:
15 kettlebell swings (M:70#/W:53#)
6 broad jumps (6')
155lb pathetic OHS. Where did all my ability to OHS go?
6:14 shoulda gone unbroken and I didn't.

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**"5x3" is five sets all done at the same weight. You are trying to go as heavy as possible for five sets, but it is important that you get all three reps of every set, so don't go so heavy that you miss reps.
Complete five rounds for time of:
15 kettlebell swings (M:70#/W:53#)
6 broad jumps (6')
155lb pathetic OHS. Where did all my ability to OHS go?
6:14 shoulda gone unbroken and I didn't.
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Friday, April 01, 2011
Power Clean- 2 reps every minute for 8 minutes as heavy as you can go. Choose a weight you can stick with the entire time without having to taking plates off! If you have to take plates off you owe 2 pull ups per pound ;)
195. Lost it a few times but completed.
"Rx'd" & "Sx'd"
One cycle is....
Complete the following for time:
Row 250m
25 burpees
Row 250m
Rest two minutes and repeat for a total of four cycles.
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195. Lost it a few times but completed.
"Rx'd" & "Sx'd"
One cycle is....
Complete the following for time:
Row 250m
25 burpees
Row 250m
Rest two minutes and repeat for a total of four cycles.
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Wednesday, March 30, 2011
30 MU for time
14:13. Dead hang only
Complete the following for time:
10 deadlifts (M:225#/W:155#)
100 double unders
250m row
10 deadlifts
50 double unders
500m row
10 deadlifts
25 double unders
1000m row
15:57 much better du's. DL slow n ez. I can feel my nerve threatening an attack.
14:13. Dead hang only
Complete the following for time:
10 deadlifts (M:225#/W:155#)
100 double unders
250m row
10 deadlifts
50 double unders
500m row
10 deadlifts
25 double unders
1000m row
15:57 much better du's. DL slow n ez. I can feel my nerve threatening an attack.
Location:Indy Ct,Evansville,United States
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Friday, March 25, 2011
One round is the following for time:
20 pull-ups
30 push-ups
40 Abmat sit-ups
50 air squats
Total time including rests: 36:46
I seem to have gotten it in my head sit ups need a pause? Fixed that in rds 4 and 5. Coulda gone faster.
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One round is the following for time:
20 pull-ups
30 push-ups
40 Abmat sit-ups
50 air squats
Total time including rests: 36:46
I seem to have gotten it in my head sit ups need a pause? Fixed that in rds 4 and 5. Coulda gone faster.
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Thursday, March 24, 2011
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
Complete five rounds for time of:
• 5 deadlifts (M:275#/W:185#)
• 10 burpees
Complete five rounds for time of:
• 5 deadlifts (M: 225#/W:135#)
• 10 burpees
9:24 RX'd
Slowed down my DL and had another trainer critique my form and stop me when I lifted. Slight pain down my right leg but I think it'll back off.
19 Dead hang pull-ups
40 Pistols
50 shitty push-ups
30 DU's unbroken
Complete five rounds for time of:
• 5 deadlifts (M:275#/W:185#)
• 10 burpees
Complete five rounds for time of:
• 5 deadlifts (M: 225#/W:135#)
• 10 burpees
9:24 RX'd
Slowed down my DL and had another trainer critique my form and stop me when I lifted. Slight pain down my right leg but I think it'll back off.
19 Dead hang pull-ups
40 Pistols
50 shitty push-ups
30 DU's unbroken
Friday, March 18, 2011
10 power clean @ jerk (M:135#/W:95#)
1 round of Cindy
9 power clean & jerk
1 round of Cindy
8 power clean & jerk
1 round of Cindy
7 power clean & jerk
1 round of Cindy
6 power clean @ jerk
1 round of Cindy
5 power clean @ jerk
1 round of Cindy
4 power clean @ jerk
1 round of Cindy
3 power clean @ jerk
1 round of Cindy
2 power clean @ jerk
1 round of Cindy
1 power clean @ jerk
1 round of Cindy
I shoulda stayed away from the WODka and cigars.
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1 round of Cindy
9 power clean & jerk
1 round of Cindy
8 power clean & jerk
1 round of Cindy
7 power clean & jerk
1 round of Cindy
6 power clean @ jerk
1 round of Cindy
5 power clean @ jerk
1 round of Cindy
4 power clean @ jerk
1 round of Cindy
3 power clean @ jerk
1 round of Cindy
2 power clean @ jerk
1 round of Cindy
1 power clean @ jerk
1 round of Cindy
I shoulda stayed away from the WODka and cigars.
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Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Find Your 1 Rep Max Clean & Jerk
W.O.D.(Anaerobic INC)
3 Rounds
AMRAP for 1 min
AMRAP for 1 min
Box hop overs (18", 20")
AMRAP for 1 min
AMRAP for 1 min
Row for max meters
2 mins rest each round
RX (135, 185) FB (155, 225)
215 C&J- PR
178 ttl for the metcon.
Last WOD with my exile family.
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Find Your 1 Rep Max Clean & Jerk
W.O.D.(Anaerobic INC)
3 Rounds
AMRAP for 1 min
AMRAP for 1 min
Box hop overs (18", 20")
AMRAP for 1 min
AMRAP for 1 min
Row for max meters
2 mins rest each round
RX (135, 185) FB (155, 225)
215 C&J- PR
178 ttl for the metcon.
Last WOD with my exile family.
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Monday, March 14, 2011
BENCHMARK DAY-Scale as needed
Max REP Pull Ups (any grip or style)
18 dead hang
Recover 2 to 5 mins
Max REP Pistols on Right Leg and Left Leg
20 ttl. First time I could do a right leg pistol in 4 months
Recover 2 to 5 min
Max REP Push Ups
73. Someone got 84 but they didn't touch their chest to the deck at all
W.O.D.(Anaerobic INC)
AMR in 15 mins
1 Pullup, 1 T2B, 1KB swing
2 Pullup, 2 T2B, 2KB swing
3 Pullup, 3 T2B, 3KB swing
......as high as you can make it in 15 mins
11 rds. Plus 3 pull. 1.5 pood. Justin beat me 11 + 7 toe. Fun WOD.
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Max REP Pull Ups (any grip or style)
18 dead hang
Recover 2 to 5 mins
Max REP Pistols on Right Leg and Left Leg
20 ttl. First time I could do a right leg pistol in 4 months
Recover 2 to 5 min
Max REP Push Ups
73. Someone got 84 but they didn't touch their chest to the deck at all
W.O.D.(Anaerobic INC)
AMR in 15 mins
1 Pullup, 1 T2B, 1KB swing
2 Pullup, 2 T2B, 2KB swing
3 Pullup, 3 T2B, 3KB swing
......as high as you can make it in 15 mins
11 rds. Plus 3 pull. 1.5 pood. Justin beat me 11 + 7 toe. Fun WOD.
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Friday, March 11, 2011
Friday, March 11 2011
Plank Holds: Advanced add a plate to your back(25lb/45lb)
Strength(Anaerobic INC)
15 min to establish a 1 rep max Deadlift
315. Tried 365 and I felt the fascia begin to tear. I'm happy with it since it's the first time I've deadlifted over 225 in a long time.
W.O.D.(CrossFit Pori)
For Reps
2 minutes Cal Row 1 Cal=1 rep
1 minute Rest
2 minutes Run; 10m Shuttle=1 Rep
1 minute Rest
2 Minutes DU, 1 DU= 1 rep (Only DU's will be counted)
DUs sucked.
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Thursday, March 10, 2011
Jump Rope Double Unders
Strength(CrossFit Pori)
Didn't finish in 10 min so I'll try ot again. Ab wrecker.
Power Snatch+Overhead Squat+ Squat Snatch x 6
115 max. Form practice. Still able to walk which is most important.
W.O.D.(CrossFit Pori)
5 rounds for time:
21 Overhead Walking Lunges 45lb /35 lb
21 Burpees
Not bad. Limited rests. I Gould have eaten more before the WOD.
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Wednesday, March 09, 2011
Bench Press; 3 reps at 80% of your 1RM ,EMOM for 8 Min
W.O.D.(CrossFit Balboa)
KB Swings (35lb/53lb)
Box Jumps(18"/24")
Plate Sit-ups(25lb/45lb)
bench: 210 and all completed. Justin, my new friend, paired up with me and couldn't finish.
Metcon: 13:32
I beat everyone. I was pushed. My box jumps all landed near the center of the box and I hit the balls of my feet. I can still walk. I'm seeing a correlation between tobacco dip and performance. I haven't used any in over 24 hours. Same as last week. I'm gonna read up on the effects. This may be why I'm so much slower and not progressing. Now to make it permanent. Then I just have to deal with the back injury and the booze.
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Bench Press; 3 reps at 80% of your 1RM ,EMOM for 8 Min
W.O.D.(CrossFit Balboa)
KB Swings (35lb/53lb)
Box Jumps(18"/24")
Plate Sit-ups(25lb/45lb)
bench: 210 and all completed. Justin, my new friend, paired up with me and couldn't finish.
Metcon: 13:32
I beat everyone. I was pushed. My box jumps all landed near the center of the box and I hit the balls of my feet. I can still walk. I'm seeing a correlation between tobacco dip and performance. I haven't used any in over 24 hours. Same as last week. I'm gonna read up on the effects. This may be why I'm so much slower and not progressing. Now to make it permanent. Then I just have to deal with the back injury and the booze.
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Tuesday, March 08, 2011
Friday, March 04, 2011
3 Rounds:
5 Skin the Cats
1 Round:
Max Reps Deadhang Pull Ups on Rings
Max Reps Dips on Rings
Max Rounds in 15 Min.
15 OHS (95lb/65lb)
10 Knees To Elbows
5 Handstand push-ups
Skin the cats were great. All unbroken but I'm good on rings
10 ring pull ups but my standard was the rings had to hit the shoulders to be valid.
19 dips. Dead hang no Kip
5 rds on the metcon. Plus 8 OHS. Not bad for healing.
800m time trial
4:14. Pathetic. I limped thru the run. Still recovering that area bit a good assessment of progress. I'll try it again in 4 weeks.
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3 Rounds:
5 Skin the Cats
1 Round:
Max Reps Deadhang Pull Ups on Rings
Max Reps Dips on Rings
Max Rounds in 15 Min.
15 OHS (95lb/65lb)
10 Knees To Elbows
5 Handstand push-ups
Skin the cats were great. All unbroken but I'm good on rings
10 ring pull ups but my standard was the rings had to hit the shoulders to be valid.
19 dips. Dead hang no Kip
5 rds on the metcon. Plus 8 OHS. Not bad for healing.
800m time trial
4:14. Pathetic. I limped thru the run. Still recovering that area bit a good assessment of progress. I'll try it again in 4 weeks.
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Wednesday, March 02, 2011
Tuesday, March 01, 2011
Monday, February 28, 2011
Rolling Pistols
Dead Hang Pull Ups (use any grip: Under , Over , Mixed )
Strength(CrossFit Pori)
Front Squats 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps , 135lbs / 95 lbs
30 Double Unders between every set.
16:18. I was able to do DUs much better. I'm getting back to where I can actually compete again. The pistols still sucked. Who woulda thought 1 month of nerve damage could be so detrimental. Still took my time on the FS.
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Rolling Pistols
Dead Hang Pull Ups (use any grip: Under , Over , Mixed )
Strength(CrossFit Pori)
Front Squats 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps , 135lbs / 95 lbs
30 Double Unders between every set.
16:18. I was able to do DUs much better. I'm getting back to where I can actually compete again. The pistols still sucked. Who woulda thought 1 month of nerve damage could be so detrimental. Still took my time on the FS.
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Friday, February 25, 2011
Bench Press 3/70%-3/80%-3/90%
6 Minute Max Out!
6 mins for each metcon followed by 3 min rest
1000M row,then max ring dips in remaining mins
800M run,then max burpees in remaining mins
150 DU or TJ(Tuck Jumps) , Then max T2B(Toes to Bar)
Ring dips were partial kip, burpees hands off ground, du's still suck.
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Bench Press 3/70%-3/80%-3/90%
6 Minute Max Out!
6 mins for each metcon followed by 3 min rest
1000M row,then max ring dips in remaining mins
800M run,then max burpees in remaining mins
150 DU or TJ(Tuck Jumps) , Then max T2B(Toes to Bar)
Ring dips were partial kip, burpees hands off ground, du's still suck.
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Thursday, February 24, 2011
Deadlift 5,5,3,3,1,1 (70%-90%)
225 max. Got my form corrected so best not to risk injury.
"Fran Loses weight"
15 Thrusters (95, 135)
15 weighted or strict pullups (25, 35)
Rest 1 min
21 Thrusters (75, 115)
21 weighted Pullups (15, 25)
Rest 1 min
30 Thrusters (55, 75)
30 Pullups
19:35 Rx
I kept having to rest. Really spent myself to keep it sub 20 tho and that was with the rests. Fuck. Fran.
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Deadlift 5,5,3,3,1,1 (70%-90%)
225 max. Got my form corrected so best not to risk injury.
"Fran Loses weight"
15 Thrusters (95, 135)
15 weighted or strict pullups (25, 35)
Rest 1 min
21 Thrusters (75, 115)
21 weighted Pullups (15, 25)
Rest 1 min
30 Thrusters (55, 75)
30 Pullups
19:35 Rx
I kept having to rest. Really spent myself to keep it sub 20 tho and that was with the rests. Fuck. Fran.
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Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Rack Jerks 3,3,3,1,1,1 (70%-90%)
W.O.D.(CrossFit Balboa)
12 Min. AMRAP
6 Strict Chin Ups
7 rounds. HSPU were head to deck. One person got 9 rounds, but he had to use an abmat. No comparison then until I can actually witness someone with my form strictness. I had to no rep myself a couple times too. Good WOD tho.
Rack Jerks 3,3,3,1,1,1 (70%-90%)
W.O.D.(CrossFit Balboa)
12 Min. AMRAP
6 Strict Chin Ups
7 rounds. HSPU were head to deck. One person got 9 rounds, but he had to use an abmat. No comparison then until I can actually witness someone with my form strictness. I had to no rep myself a couple times too. Good WOD tho.
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