Friday, April 25, 2008

Evening Workouts...

Body wt bench press-drop by 10 lbs if only 3 reps for 2 rounds
185lb bent over BB row-see above

14 rounds first two are warm ups

I didn't record my reps but I was fairly tired this was workout # 8 this week.

I think I ended up at 165 for bench and 155 for rows

Finished up with alternating DB curls and tricep kickbacks.


Not enough you say?

My gym-mate Tom talked me into a spin class after that.

I did fairly well, was able to keep up with the instructor. I suspect due to Crossfit. I think I will do it again. Fridays are pretty good times cause everyone else is taking Friday off. My whole body is smoked.
That was an additional 50 min.

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