Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Strength: Deadlift – Warm up then, 70% x 3 reps, 80% x 3 reps, 90% x 3+ reps.

*Super set all sets with 1 round of tabata double unders (20 seconds max effort, 10 seconds rest). Start the supersets at 2 set out from 70%.

*If you have a legitimate and recent 1 rep max deadlift, take the percentages off of 90% of your 1 RM.

Work Capacity: EMOM “Ms. Sage”: 5 rounds (20 minutes) – EMOM, perform:

-Min 1 = 10x power snatch (115#/75#)

-Min 2 = 15x pull ups

-Min 3 = 20x DB thrusters (35#/25#)

-Min 4 = Rest

DL % off of 385

The WOD was awful and I subbed ring dips cause of my knee. I started the first 3 rds with 15 ring dips. I ended on 10 cause I was so trashed. Brutal shit.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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