Friday, May 27, 2016

Bench press: Complete 5 rounds of:

-Min 1: 5x bench press @ 55% (rd 2 = 5 reps @ 65%, rd 3 = 5 reps @ 75%, rd 4 = 3 reps @ 85%, round 5 = 1+ rep @ 95%)

-Min 2: Rest

-Min 3: Max rep unbroken strict chest to bar pull ups + Max effort strict pull ups

-Min 4: rest

Work Capacity: Complete as many reps as possible in 20 minutes of:

-5x 2-arm KB thrusters (53#/35#)

-10x ring dips

-15x overhead squats (95#/65#)

I used 275 as my bench weight but didn't have a spotter so I stuck at 225.

Subbed hspu for KB and TTB for OHS.

Bad knee and all.

The AMRAP was a great TTB conditioner.

5 rds plus 3 hspu.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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