Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
31 min time limit
Angry Nancy
3 rounds each person
Run 400m
95lb OHS max reps and count
Uneven Fran
All rounds each person
95lb Thruster max reps and count
AMRAP remaining time.
20 DU or tuck jumps
5 95lb cleans.
Each team member must complete both DU and Cleans to count as one round.
150 final score. Brutal. Trevor was my partner and I had a new guy mimic my movements just to get the feel. Still a brutal wod.
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Angry Nancy
3 rounds each person
Run 400m
95lb OHS max reps and count
Uneven Fran
All rounds each person
95lb Thruster max reps and count
AMRAP remaining time.
20 DU or tuck jumps
5 95lb cleans.
Each team member must complete both DU and Cleans to count as one round.
150 final score. Brutal. Trevor was my partner and I had a new guy mimic my movements just to get the feel. Still a brutal wod.
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Friday, November 26, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
4 rds
100 ft walking lunge with 45lb plate overhead
30 box jump 24"
20 wall balls
10 hspu
For time
Meticulous detail. At one point my knee didn't touch the ground so I didn't count that lunge and took an extra step. Box jumps landed in the center of the box and wall balls all hit above the target. My HSPU were all head to deck. Brutal WOD. Reminded me of why I do crossfit.
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4 rds
100 ft walking lunge with 45lb plate overhead
30 box jump 24"
20 wall balls
10 hspu
For time
Meticulous detail. At one point my knee didn't touch the ground so I didn't count that lunge and took an extra step. Box jumps landed in the center of the box and wall balls all hit above the target. My HSPU were all head to deck. Brutal WOD. Reminded me of why I do crossfit.
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Tuesday, November 23, 2010
250 double unders. NOT for time since every f@!*ing person in the box wants to chit chat with the 0530 instructor abt why my class is so bad ass. Well come see me, pussies! I'll show u why. Ha ha.
22 in a row with this new rope. That's terrible. Did 40 the other day.
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22 in a row with this new rope. That's terrible. Did 40 the other day.
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Push press 5x5
175. Failed on rd 4 but pushed it out on 5 again. Not bad for throwing my body weight overhead. Slightly tweaked my back.
I'm surpised that I had the strength since I have been cutting body fat down to around 3% lately. I'm starting to wonder if an 8 pack is worth the loss of energy and muscle mass costs. Gonna increase protein and fat consumption this week since if seems to have no effect on body fat storage. Rather it improves my performance so far. Oh that and time. I'll reassess in Feb with some benchmarks.
50 ring dips after that. It's been awhile since I've posted photos. Actually, since June 2008. Here is an update.

From 2 weeks ago

How do you define progress? I wonder if true progress is made this way or with strength gains? Can we have both and is a decrepit old coastie a good example?
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175. Failed on rd 4 but pushed it out on 5 again. Not bad for throwing my body weight overhead. Slightly tweaked my back.
I'm surpised that I had the strength since I have been cutting body fat down to around 3% lately. I'm starting to wonder if an 8 pack is worth the loss of energy and muscle mass costs. Gonna increase protein and fat consumption this week since if seems to have no effect on body fat storage. Rather it improves my performance so far. Oh that and time. I'll reassess in Feb with some benchmarks.
50 ring dips after that. It's been awhile since I've posted photos. Actually, since June 2008. Here is an update.
From 2 weeks ago
How do you define progress? I wonder if true progress is made this way or with strength gains? Can we have both and is a decrepit old coastie a good example?
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Monday, November 22, 2010
"The Tugboat"
Complete seven rounds for time of:
* Run 400m
* Row 500m
Subbed SDHP for all rounds. Had to stop and coach at times but still a brutal wod.
While I usu don't bitch, I need to say that I was around geeks all effin weekend. Not that I'm not a geek. I am. But doing a hotel wod in the lobby in Springfield while I was at Skepticon is absolutely no comparison to throwing down in the box. I missed my Crossfit family and my 0530 class. I'm reminded of why I gave up my ex and her daughters. Why I gave up my family. I have been resenting that lately alot and trying to rationalize why I made her leave. I suppose it's fair to admit I'm still getting over it. But I know now that it was worth the sacrifice. I would have been miserable to sacrifice crossfit for her. It's as much a part of my life as breathing is. I might not be the fastest or the most elite, but I need this. It's one of the best choices I've made in a long time. And it can't help but aid in getting off the destructive path I was on all this summer. I'm quickly realizing I'm healing. The scars will remain cause I loved her daughters. But I think I'm done looking back.
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"The Tugboat"
Complete seven rounds for time of:
* Run 400m
* Row 500m
Subbed SDHP for all rounds. Had to stop and coach at times but still a brutal wod.
While I usu don't bitch, I need to say that I was around geeks all effin weekend. Not that I'm not a geek. I am. But doing a hotel wod in the lobby in Springfield while I was at Skepticon is absolutely no comparison to throwing down in the box. I missed my Crossfit family and my 0530 class. I'm reminded of why I gave up my ex and her daughters. Why I gave up my family. I have been resenting that lately alot and trying to rationalize why I made her leave. I suppose it's fair to admit I'm still getting over it. But I know now that it was worth the sacrifice. I would have been miserable to sacrifice crossfit for her. It's as much a part of my life as breathing is. I might not be the fastest or the most elite, but I need this. It's one of the best choices I've made in a long time. And it can't help but aid in getting off the destructive path I was on all this summer. I'm quickly realizing I'm healing. The scars will remain cause I loved her daughters. But I think I'm done looking back.
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Friday, November 19, 2010
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Double unders
12:34 PR from 8/10/10 of 13:23
Ghd sit ups. Parallel depth. I guess I need to get back on the ghd. Coulda gone sub 10 if it weren't for my back. I'm noticing paleo and no carbs the last few weeks is contributing to some major improvements. I wonder what the elimination of alcohol would do...
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Tuesday, November 16, 2010
One round = Start a four minute running clock. Perform a static
overhead squat hold for as long as you can. When you dump the weight,
do 10 star jumps. Repeat until the four minute clock runs out. At the
end of the round, rest 2 minutes and repeat for a total of three
95lbs. Longest hold: 1:38
Finished with 75 Bulgarian ring push-up
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overhead squat hold for as long as you can. When you dump the weight,
do 10 star jumps. Repeat until the four minute clock runs out. At the
end of the round, rest 2 minutes and repeat for a total of three
95lbs. Longest hold: 1:38
Finished with 75 Bulgarian ring push-up
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Monday, November 15, 2010
* 10 squat cleans (M:115#/W:75#)
* 10 pull-ups
* 100m run
* 9 squat cleans
* 9 pull-ups
* 100m run
* 8 squat cleans
* 8 pull-ups
* 100m run
* 7 squat cleans
* 7 pull-ups
* 100m run
* 6 squat cleans
* 6 pull-ups
* 100m run
* 5 squat cleans
* 5 pull-ups
* 100m run
* 4 squat cleans
* 4 pull-ups
* 100m run
* 3 squat cleans
* 3 pull-ups
* 100m run
* 2 squat cleans
* 2 pull-ups
* 100m run
* 1 squat clean
* 1 pull-up
* 100m run
22:22 I tweaked my lower back and set it out for a few min at rd 6. Not sure abt the extent of the damage.
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* 10 pull-ups
* 100m run
* 9 squat cleans
* 9 pull-ups
* 100m run
* 8 squat cleans
* 8 pull-ups
* 100m run
* 7 squat cleans
* 7 pull-ups
* 100m run
* 6 squat cleans
* 6 pull-ups
* 100m run
* 5 squat cleans
* 5 pull-ups
* 100m run
* 4 squat cleans
* 4 pull-ups
* 100m run
* 3 squat cleans
* 3 pull-ups
* 100m run
* 2 squat cleans
* 2 pull-ups
* 100m run
* 1 squat clean
* 1 pull-up
* 100m run
22:22 I tweaked my lower back and set it out for a few min at rd 6. Not sure abt the extent of the damage.
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Sunday, November 14, 2010
“Semper Fidelis”
For time:
47 muscle up/C2B pull ups
47 ohs 95lb
47 DU
47 135lb Clean
47 sit ups
Then 1 round of each for Chesty and another good year.
32:38. Why so long? Cause my rope got tied in a knot. Right in the middle. My DUs sucked. Didn't realize it til after the wod. Fml. Gotta redo this one. Fml. Sara, my xfit sis, tied me. Good job, girl. Did it with her air cast on.
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For time:
47 muscle up/C2B pull ups
47 ohs 95lb
47 DU
47 135lb Clean
47 sit ups
Then 1 round of each for Chesty and another good year.
32:38. Why so long? Cause my rope got tied in a knot. Right in the middle. My DUs sucked. Didn't realize it til after the wod. Fml. Gotta redo this one. Fml. Sara, my xfit sis, tied me. Good job, girl. Did it with her air cast on.
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Friday, November 12, 2010
One round is equal to:
- 30 Wall balls 20#/14#
- 30 SDHP 75#/52#
- 30 Box jumps
- 30 Push Press 75/52
- 30 Calorie Row
Complete 3 Rounds with one minute rest between rounds. Your score is total amount of time to complete all three rounds (do not count rest interval).
2 rounds. 23:23. Why only 2? Cause everyone was too busy fuckin around and chit chatting so this Coastie didn't get time to finish. F@&$$&@@&$&!!!!!
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Thursday, November 11, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
47 muscle up/C2B pull ups
47 ohs 95lb
47 DU
47 135lb Clean
47 sit ups
For time.
Then 1 round of each for Chesty and another good year.
42:06 but the WOD was interrupted cause my dumbass threw a 45 lb plate and it hit an abmat. Then it rolled straight to Sara's tibia. Not sure how long it took but we sat her down, finished the WOD and by that time Sara decided I needed to take her to the ER. Luckily, she didn't have any fractures and will just be tender for a bit. Sucked my sis had to get hurt tho, but at least she'll be ok.
47 ohs 95lb
47 DU
47 135lb Clean
47 sit ups
For time.
Then 1 round of each for Chesty and another good year.
42:06 but the WOD was interrupted cause my dumbass threw a 45 lb plate and it hit an abmat. Then it rolled straight to Sara's tibia. Not sure how long it took but we sat her down, finished the WOD and by that time Sara decided I needed to take her to the ER. Luckily, she didn't have any fractures and will just be tender for a bit. Sucked my sis had to get hurt tho, but at least she'll be ok.
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
Friday, November 05, 2010
11-05-10 WOD
1.) Skill:
Rope Climb technique review
2.) 20 minute AMRAP of:
50 double unders*
9 med ball cleans (20#\14#)
5 L pull ups**
1 rope climb***
*Complete 50 double unders at the start of each round.
**Sub KTEx5 if you cannot perform an L pull up (25 kte total)
**You can use a leg wrap or whatever method you prefer on the rope after climbing from your butt.
5 rounds. My neck is still fucked. Rx'd.
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Wednesday, November 03, 2010
Five rounds for time of:
3 Muscle-up Handstand push-ups
10 Burpee pull-ups
Ideally, the pull-up bar is one foot above your reach. If you cannot do the muscle-up handstand push-ups, do 7 muscle-ups and 12 handstand push-ups each round.
Fuck me. Did the first round rx'd but at the start of the 2nd about yanked my spine out. Had to sub and then I thought it was 10 HSPU. Still did the mu at 7. Worst wod ever. Will redo rx'd.
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3 Muscle-up Handstand push-ups
10 Burpee pull-ups
Ideally, the pull-up bar is one foot above your reach. If you cannot do the muscle-up handstand push-ups, do 7 muscle-ups and 12 handstand push-ups each round.
Fuck me. Did the first round rx'd but at the start of the 2nd about yanked my spine out. Had to sub and then I thought it was 10 HSPU. Still did the mu at 7. Worst wod ever. Will redo rx'd.
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Tuesday, November 02, 2010
Did gymnastics training today. No time. 40 HSPU and 40 ring pull ups with transition to Muscle-up. Dead hang only no kip. As soon as I failed on rings after 30 on each, transitioned to HSPU on 45lb plates with nose to ground to full extension lock outs and Bulgarian ring pull ups. May try to practice this again today but ring HSPUs are pretty brutal.
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Monday, November 01, 2010
5 rounds for time of:
Run 400m
30 box jumps 24'/20'
30 wall balls 20#\14#
I didn't count reps that didn't hit the box with feet all the way on the box or didn't hit the wall on wall balls. I coulda beat everyone elses time I'm sure but I think going the extra mile is more important.
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5 rounds for time of:
Run 400m
30 box jumps 24'/20'
30 wall balls 20#\14#
I didn't count reps that didn't hit the box with feet all the way on the box or didn't hit the wall on wall balls. I coulda beat everyone elses time I'm sure but I think going the extra mile is more important.
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