Thursday, March 24, 2016

50 DU's buy in

5 rds:
6 MU
30 abmat sit ups

50 DU's buy out


MU were without a false grip. Good practice. I want to keep practicing this way.

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Monday, March 21, 2016

As many Rounds as possible in 14 minutes of:
3 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
6 Front Squats (135/95)
24 Double Unders

11 rds plus 3 C2B.

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Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Complete the following for time:
9 Bar Muscle-Ups
21 Push Jerks (115/85)
7 Bar Muscle-Ups
15 Push Jerks (115/85)
5 Bar Muscle-Ups
9 Push Jerks (115/85)

10:03 Rx'd

I need to practice MUs more. And do shoulder mobility.

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Monday, March 14, 2016

5x3 push press at 80% (185)

20 rds of 30s on/30s off

2 T2B

Increase by 2 every round.

Seems to be effective in stringing them together.

Mobility work

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Complete as many reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
1 Rope Climb (15ft)
5 Burpees
200m Run

9 with a 20lb vest. RIP.

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Thursday, March 10, 2016

Bar muscle up practice the trick is the second pull like the clean or snatch. Someone needs to drill that into my head.

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Wednesday, March 09, 2016

Hang Squat Clean
Work up to heavy single for day

“CF Open WOD 11.4″
Complete as many reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
60 Bar-Facing Burpees
30 Overhead Squats (115/85)
10 Muscle-ups (sub chin-ups and dips)

225 fail at 245


1 RD plus 1 burpee

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Tuesday, March 08, 2016

Fore arms are shot. My WOD is shot and I suspect this will go on for several weeks

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Monday, March 07, 2016

5x3 Back squat (65% of 1 RM)

Complete as many reps as possible in 15 minutes of:
1) Minutes 1-5:
10 Snatch (135/95)
30 Double Unders

2) Minutes 6-10:
10 Snatch (95/65)
30 Double Unders

3) Minutes 11-15:
10 Snatch (75/55)
30 Double Unders
Score = Total Reps Completed In The 15 Minutes

254 but we rested the first minute on rds 2 and 3

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Thursday, March 03, 2016

3 Rounds:
400m run
21 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
12 Pull-ups

10:09 Rx'd

Not a P.R.
Previous 9:58

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Wednesday, March 02, 2016

Breaking muscle gymnastics week 2

I'm starting to realize some of this is fluff

50 strict toes to bar. Untimed. I'll see how this affects tomorrow to gauge whether or not to increase the reps. This was fairly easy though broken up

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1RM Deadlift

5 Rounds:
400m Run
15 Overhead Squats (95/63)

385 P.R.

16:58 Rx'd. Not sure if it's a P.R.

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Tuesday, March 01, 2016

5x3 OHS

185 at 80% 1 RM

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