Well, this part of school comes to an end. I am burned out, unmotivated, and left humbled. Turns out I have bitten off quite a bit and still not finished. I am convinced that I could spend a lifetime learning this radar and still not know it all. I fought this course to the bitter end and I must say that the exams were brutal. Yes, I did fine, but only with a whole lot of effing studying. Every bit and more of the certifications and licenses, independent study, and college courses I took were used in this course. If I hadn't had them, I would have been back in Indiana much sooner explaining to my boss why I failed this course. But I know that I have exactly 4 weeks to work with the system before shipping off to another course on an entirely different system. I think I'm gonna be busy.
Lucky for me, I enjoy the math of this next course so I should be able to get the concept easily enough. After that? Another course, more equipment. I just hope that my notes are good enough to get me by when I have a problem with this radar years down the road.
I know I mentioned it before, but I really do enjoy the diversity of America. I guess my time in the military really made me appreciate people from different parts of the country. If only I had time to live in all of those parts for just a few years, I bet I would have some adventures. Of course that still is an option.
Good thing they make good beer here, cause I don't know if I would have made it otherwise. Good nite!
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