I'm fucking bored. Who would've thought becoming a civvie would be so booooring. Now I know why there are lifers. Can't blame my Pet-rat or the Stiffler for staying in. Yeah, the money is good, but now I just spend more to stop the boredom. Okay, okay. So I bitched about being AD and now I'm bitching about being civvie. You don't know what youse got 'til its gone. Sinner and Yucko were right.
I must argue, however, that the more expensive Wild Turkey Rare Breed is much better than the cheaper 80 or 101 proof.
Here are some pics for old times sake:

Why I ever got out of that job, I don't know why. Feels like forever.

I know I owe alot of you bastards out there
a whole lotta beer.

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