Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Evidently Louisville drivers don't appreciate it when you get in front of them to pass a slower semi-truck. They also don't seem to appreciate when you play an imaginary violin with an imaginary sad-sad song while they are hurling insults at you.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Long Time, No Post

Greetings my readers of 3(including myself). Not much going on here at home, but a bit at work. Gearing up for all you happy holiday travelers to ensure you get there and back safely. Don't thank me, your government thanks me every two weeks.
Here is a great link if you are not a hypersensitive religious puke with nothing to do but ponder your effing creation. Oh, and you might need a sense of humor.
In other news, I passed my 16 hour exam in just under 8 hours. Watch out DFB, you're on my 22/04 approach now, bitch. No whining either, you are being recorded.
I'd type more, but I have to go make a pilot.


Friday, November 10, 2006

Veteran's Day

I start this Veteran's Day tomorrow with a heavy heart. Veteran's Day began after WWII to remember our fallen soldiers and veterans from the war. Now, it's about all vets, and some say not just those in the U.S.

One of our most recent soldier’s deaths made the news at CNN: Army Sergeant Willsun Mock, a 23 year old man from Kansas. I didn’t know this man, but he was obviously a patriot and a true American. Many might not agree with the Iraq war. Nevertheless, I will never quit supporting these brave men and women. Their value to this country is greater than anything many others including myself have ever given. Following are some quotes from this great warrior. The full article can be read here.

"I think not only me has changed, I think that everybody that was there, enemy, friendly, everybody walked away changed."

"Nobody wants to die out here even though the soldiers would for our country. Any of them would -- that's not a question."

"’It would break my heart to see one of my brothers in the military serving in a place like this,’ he said when asked why he would stay in the military. ‘I would much rather myself suffer than one of them, and they have kids to think about, and I'm a little young for that right now. And it's good serving with the men; it's good serving for this great nation.’”

"Every time we lose soldiers and we have our ceremonies here for the fallen comrades and they play the taps for those men -- that's probably the moments that will stay in my mind more than ever."

I stand in the shadow of them all. SGT Mock, and all of them over here and abroad, is a giant to the rest of us. There is nothing greater, and I am humbled everyday by their deeds and sacrifice. I can’t complain about my life, not ever, in the 28 years that I have been so lucky to have. Many of those from World War I to our current situation in Iraq, never got that much.

Remember our vets tomorrow. From the iron men, wooden ships, and cloth airplanes of World War II and before, to the rock-solid men and women now serving our great nation. Never forget them.

Semper Paratus,

A humbled sailor from the United States Coast Guard

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Space Needle Pix

Some came out a little blurry cause I had to tweak the camera a bit to get anything good.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Jet-lag again

Made it home. Had some delay at O'Hare, but what can you expect. If things worked out the way you planned it, well, this wouldn't be life.

Travel tip of the year:

Sit down to pee while in flight.


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Space Needle

Well, I was going to upload some pix that I took while on top of the Space Needle, but I forgot the cable so this won't be as exciting. Did manage to celebrate Halloween-naked. Ok, j/k. Really, I am driving a pumpkin-mobile. I asked for a Sebring, was told I was getting one, then I got an orange chevy compact HHR. I think someone thought I was a pygmy. But, it's all good cause I'm too ugly to pick up chix and it was the week of Halloween.
I just completed a bit of PT on some poor excuse for exercise equipment. What can you expect? Most people are at the hotel happy hour sucking down free drinks. Oh well, make it a light week and I don't miss the eating all day long to catch up on protein loads. Sometimes you just have to be a fat, outta shape American.
It's absolutely beautiful out here and the weather ain't too bad either. Mt. Rainier is just over the horizon and although I don't have alot of time, It's still a great view. That's about it. School makes me realize I'm not as smart as I thought I am. I can keep up with the course, but I have a lot of work ahead of me. A lot. Such is life. Catch ya'll later.


Monday, October 30, 2006


Made it to Seattle. Got upgraded to first-class cause they didn't have any more seats. *sigh* It was horrible, lemme tell you. We flew over the Rockies which was pretty cool. Long flight, though. I'll post some pix as I get 'em.

My layover was in O'Hare. Luckily, J.P. went there too, so I got him to buy me some chow (He gets to see Unca Dubya over in D.C.). I like airports just cause of the diverse people you get to see. We definitely aren't all the typical Tri-Stater we sometimes think we are. I'm glad I travel like I do. I think if I didn't, I wouldn't appreciate all the different people and different backgrounds. I fear getting the tunnel vision that some other folks get cause they just don't realize who and what else is out there.


Friday, October 27, 2006


Woo hoo! A break from work. I get to go to Seattle this coming week. Ok, not necessarily a vacation, but at least they can't call me in!

Friday, September 29, 2006


Well, Hollywood did their best to portray the CG. Not a bad film. I give it a B+.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

View from the Top

Well, there it is, ladies and gents. All this just to change a light bulb. Only 250 feet in the air and not a bad view. Actually, this tower was more stable than the usual 100 footers.

Sunday, August 27, 2006


So I met a Marine who served on a Coast Guard cutter. He even bought me some beers. He even knew Coast Guard history so I spat out some Jarhead Hx. I guess some Marines have their shit together. Semper Fi.


Sunday, August 20, 2006

Papa Charlie

So my friend and co-worker Papa-Charlie is gonna start his own blog. You might think that is not a big deal, but for an 84 year old World War II vet, getting online and telling the world about his great experiences is a deal indeed. What a great honor it is to serve with such a person. So, I guess I will help him get aquainted with the blog and turn him loose.
As for the Ohio River, it seems that the boaters are still willing to have a good time. Lotsa beer and lotsa rednecks. Timmy stayed Sat night and lost his shoes and digital cam. So all we heard all day was him bitching about how miserable he was cause of life and his hangover. Not to mention the rain early Sun morning. Guess I should have been easier on him, but I told the girl he was spittin' game to he had herpes. Well, he doesn't need to reproduce anymore.
As for me, I wanted to take tomorrow off, but its crunch time for this job and the public won't wait. I did manage to drink a number of beers, quantity I can't remember, and forget about this coming week.
Might get to climb 210 feet this week or next to change a few light bulbs. Should be fun, I might try to get some rappelling gear and go up and down a few times.
Everyone else, have a good week and DFB, keep it out of your ass.


Sunday, August 06, 2006

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday, Coast Guard. I had many beers and a shot of Crown for the CG's 216th birthday. I know many coasties here and abroad did the same.
In other news, Nitric Oxide really does work, and it kicks ass.
Check out a rockin' band here.
Automotive maintenance tip of the week: change your transmission fluid for a much smoother ride.
DFB is secretly gay!!

Tango Kilo

Friday, July 21, 2006

Thursday, July 20, 2006

St. Louis

Well, another vacation over with, another weekend to drink beer. Back to normal for awhile. Maybe I'll stop off in a few towns or something. Scott AFB is pretty nice. Makes a sailor miss the military. I did manage to pick up a case of Military Special if anyone wants to try some. I used to hang from helos, now I hang from towers. I might look into some climbing equipment. Just something to keep me up to par. Think I might go down to the hottub for a bit before knocking off.


Sunday, July 16, 2006


I think that I just experienced pure fucking heaven. I was test driving my cars after making some repairs(get to that in a minute), so I stopped by the Rivertown Butcher shop and picked up a prime thin cut. Grade-fucking-A. Then, since the two shops are connected, I picked up some home-grown white potatoes and a home-grown white onion at Englebrecht's. Okay, you have to try this: get the butcher's homemade rub and a bottle of olive oil. Pour about a tsp of the oil on the cut and then apply liberally the rub(rub it in good) to each side. Let it sit in the fridge for about an hour. Grill to your preference. Fry the potatoes the way Mom does, but get a shaker of Sea Salt and coarse ground pepper. Salt and pepper normally, enough to cover the potatoes. Put as much of the onion in as you prefer(Heather and I like a whole one.) I prefer canola oil, but you can use whatever. Pure fucking heaven. I don't even need to use A1 sauce. It's really unnecessary.
Do not drink too much beer as you will lose some of your senses and you need all of them to enjoy this!

Okay, onto vehicle maintenance. Bosch Platinum four-prong plugs. They will make your vehicle "purr" like a kitten. I will never buy Champion plugs again, as one was blown apart in Heather's Toyota. I can hardly hear the engine cranking. I bet they added 40 hp. Get 'em next time your horse needs a tune-up.


Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Okay, I guess it only goes to level 30. Time to download it.


Sunday, July 09, 2006


So I had the chance to talk with some mormons that came by the house yesterday. Turns out they aren't as close-minded as most xtians but still need to back up what they believe. They don't put much faith in the accuracy of the bible, but more-so in the book of mormon. They gave me a "Book of Mormon" to read which I probably will since I don't know much about it. Yeah, I know, they are polygamist or something like that. I need to read it before I start attacking them. I did manage to fluster one of them(I guess he needs to figure out what he believes), but the other seems to have adapted his beliefs to agree partially with modern science. I guess they don't prepare their "messengers" to argue with atheists. Nice fellas, though. I tried to get some work out of them, but neither knew how to weld. Still stuck at level 23


Thursday, July 06, 2006

Crazy Cube

This game is kicking my ass at level 19. Might have to break out the Wild Turkey to solve this one...Okay, 23 now.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Friday, May 12, 2006

Bored and boooring...

I'm fucking bored. Who would've thought becoming a civvie would be so booooring. Now I know why there are lifers. Can't blame my Pet-rat or the Stiffler for staying in. Yeah, the money is good, but now I just spend more to stop the boredom. Okay, okay. So I bitched about being AD and now I'm bitching about being civvie. You don't know what youse got 'til its gone. Sinner and Yucko were right.

I must argue, however, that the more expensive Wild Turkey Rare Breed is much better than the cheaper 80 or 101 proof.

Here are some pics for old times sake:

Why I ever got out of that job, I don't know why. Feels like forever.

I know I owe alot of you bastards out there
a whole lotta beer.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Radiator Bearings

Don't you think its funny to ask for a radiator bearing at the local hardware store?

I thought it was, but this kid, who thought I was serious, didn't think so. I had to let him in when he asked his manager if they had any, to which his manager asked, "Are you serious?" He he. Dumb ass.


Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Warcats and pissing...

This is an alarm I set up to stop my cats from peeing on the floor. I just received a letter from SGT Nugent which had his solution: put the cat outside. Smart-ass.

Sorry bout the size, but blogger won't shrink the damn thing.

Friday, March 31, 2006


Just saw Jarhead. You should watch it if you have ever served in the military. If you haven't, disregard, candy-canes.

Thursday, March 23, 2006


"I do not consider it an insult, but rather a compliment to be called an agnostic. I do not pretend to know where many ignorant men are sure—that is all that agnosticism means."
-Clarence Darrow, Scopes trial, 1925

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Army Death

An Army Soldier died today. Many have, but this one was a friend's son's best friend. He was a SGT(E-5). More valuable than five civilians, including the veteran civilian typing this blog, he was a brother to many high and low. He did his job better than anyone, and died among family. From what I hear, this warrior's family-relationships forged on blood and sweat, was closer and more valuable than his own blood family. There isn't a better place or way to die, protecting your family from some foe. I didn't know him personally, but I and a few other MilPers know his character and will remember such sacrifice. Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage. Two shots of Military Special for such a man, such a man that many can only aspire to be.


Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Here's To Them

A year ago, I worked with some of the best people the U.S. has to offer. I'll make sure to drink a few shots of wild turkey for a few of 'em and then a few Miller Lite's for Shortstuff and the gang. If any of you are reading this, I still got your back. Fair winds and following seas...

In other news, TGD has a new hog. I just thought I would let everyone know how gay he is. He's gay. If DFB has tendencies, then TGD is Richard Simmons gay. He's so gay, Clay Aiken won't date him. If he were any gayer, we would have a new species of homo. He would be a homo-asexual, cause he wouldn't be getting any sex. Hee hee, hee hee yah yah...

Ok, so I passed my test and now I get to take another test so I can go to another school. When I get back? I get to take a test on how much I learned. But it's ok, cause I get to eat good, get paid, and drink beer. Mmmmm beer.

Oh, and for you guys out there still interested, my wife is still for sale.

Monday, January 16, 2006

16 bit interface

Okay, I have a 16 bit program that runs on windows 2000 thru DOS. The program was originally written for a Tandy. Used for logging maintenance over a network. Here's the problem: I am unable to print out the data through a network connection mapped using UNC. The laser printer is connected to a central "server" computer via LPT1. I mapped to it through a router connection. The printer will print from Word, Excel, etc. It even prints from the 16 bit program, but the printout is garbled with various characters. One laptop, which was previously setup for this, successfully tells the printer to print out the correct characters. I can't find a difference. Both use Win 2k. I suspect it somehow converts the 16 bit data to work on a 32 bit printer. All other computers garble the data. Could this be a port issue? I can't seem to tweak any computer and can't find a difference in port settings. Is there a background program? I didn't check task manager. Does anyone remember what DOS is? I tried to print from DOS, but 2k is being a bitch. I wish we would upgrade our equipment! I'll buy a sixpack of your choice for the successful answer.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Things and more...

Thanks to whoever signed me as their referral for PASS. Will make sure to buy the beer next adventure! To all my new friends, congrats on your first certification. Kieth-If ever up in Terre Haute, I'll get the first round of Bass. Congratulations to my friend(a.k.a. "Spook") on your first assignment. Hope this one is better than the two hour commute to Washington! I always wanted to be an operator, just didn't have the guts or brains. Let me know about the slugs.

J.R.-keep your chin up and will write soon.

For everyone else, smooth tailwinds...