It's pronounced eff-taff. Stands for "Fuck The Air Force". In the words of reserve U.S.M.C. Senior Master Sergeant Mohler (ret.): "The Air Force is not part of the military." I couldn't agree more. These fucks cry if they don't get their "latte", or breaky time. Not to mention if they work over their 32 hour work week. Pussies. They don't get any better when they make sillyvilian either.
Enough about candy-asses. I drank some wild turkey tonite to remember drinking wild turkey.
Anybody looking for a broken tweet? I am tired of standing on my head for rich fucks.
Anyone got any good sea stories? Lately, I've been a bit short of any. I guess you can replay your own only so many times.
Watching ABC primtime. They got a show on about the flu, earthquakes, and nuclear bombs. Must be cause of Katrina. What a great job our media is doing. Making every fucking American spaz out over mass death and destruction. Have another drink and then quit worrying. Pussies. I should get a bunch of plastic bags and sell them on ebay as antiflu-radiation-earthquake protective devices for 20 bucks apiece.
We're nothing but stupid animals. We leach off another group, animal or our own race, to survive. Then, when shit hits the fan, we turn into monkies again and do what we have to survive. Any bit of being human stops functioning and the animal part takes over. It's a primal thing. It's what holds us back from the next step of evolution. Fine, the few that can overcome and survive will just make things better. We all had a good run. As monkies.
Drink some Turkey, bitches. Accept your place with the monkies.
1 comment:
"I should get a bunch of plastic bags and sell them on ebay as antiflu-radiation-earthquake protective devices for 20 bucks apiece."
That's freakin' hilarious!
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