Friday, August 31, 2007

Air Force Puke

I never thought that I would call an Air Force pukie a close friend, but I am afraid that I must. Call it circumstance or fate, whatever. Maybe I just enjoy listening to my friend talk with his New Englander accent. Or maybe because we both enjoy good beer and chow. J.L., a 43 year old Chair Farce (ret.) Tech Sgt is a wise and intelligent friend. At 43 years old with a severely injured back and chronic kidney stones, Johnny, you can sure take an ass beating in the gym. What a great example you are of someone that can overcome such physical ailments and PT like you are in your 20's. My PT will not be anywhere near as good or fulfilling when I am back in Indiana. Neither will my conversations. Of course, his wife, retired Senior Master Sergeant, USAF, works for the Coast Guard now, which might be all that the fuss is about. That makes them family.

Honor. Respect. Devotion to Duty.


Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Ass beating

This site has some real rockin PT routines:
Kicked my ass. I understand the "Spartans" from 300 trained very similar to this. It rocks.
