Wednesday, July 27, 2005

So I went and blew a bunch of money today and realized that I can't get fired from my job yet. What's up with the lack of atheism books in the bookstores these days? There were four books compared to hundreds of christian-oriented books from various bibles (women's, children's, men's, dog's, cat's, roadrunner's, etc.) to how to praise Bob properly while taking a shower. I guess it's all about the market with these stores. And since we are in hyper neo-con northern kentucky, bubba wants his redneck's devotional bible (less confusing terminology and bigger letters). Okay, but seriously, how can we expect people to look at things with an open mind when we don't publish but a few books that barely make it to the stores? Maybe we don't need the extra bullshit, since we can explain away most ideology with simple deduction and wonderful, logical reason.
When my co-workers discovered my science emblem (a fish converted to a rocket ship with "science" engraved inside the rocket ship) I was shunned for months. Should I blame them for their close-minded behavior? Or the institution of religion-it and the priests, who are way wiser in the origins of life, set their minds because "my daddy and his daddy said so". I would love to tell them how stupid a side of me feels they are. But can I blame them? Society as a whole breathes religion-partly due to some group saying it is right and partly because of laziness. Who told this or that group it was right? Another group. But who told them? Lazy because we don't want to ponder all the options more than once. Atheists have to reevaluate the facts and lies. At least I do. I have to.
Now they are screaming intelligent design. You mean you don't literally interpret the bible? Well, if that's the case, then you can alter it to fit any new or old scientific theory. I read the bibles. I even took a peek at the Quran-pretty similar stuff and still way off. So let's throw them both out, cause if you aren't going to literally interpret the bibles, you aren't going to literally interpret the facts. How can you have a real discussion with a christian if they bend the everything to suit their needs? Lets compare the Catholic bibles to the protestant bibles: five or six more books than the protestant? Okay, Bob said catholics get more to read cause they have been bad. Sheesh, I need a drink. Enough for tonight.
Here's a good bible verse that you christians out there should easily explain with non-literal interpretation: It gets good at 31:17.
I wonder how they figured out which one's were virgins?
Good night!

One more good link:

Friday, July 22, 2005

Doing here?

What the hell am I doing here? Mainly just to chuck insults at my brothers, I suppose. Oh first post, how about a bit about me. I am a retired Coast Guard avionics technician who served honorably guarding our coasts from 2000-2005. Yes, I am retired. I blew out my back while doing a combination of flying/exercising/drinking while active duty so they booted me and gave me the title "retired". Or maybe "retarded" is better. Oh well, I would have never gotten out if they didn't kick me out one way or another. Yes, I would have been a "lifer"-contrary to the belief that many of my "A" school buddies had. So, I moved back to Indiana where I bought a house and got a job breaking civvie aircraft for the time being. Now, I am trying to get out of this place and back to somewhere that resembles my coastie life of honor, integrity, and good shipmates... I guess I am a pterodactyl now, so on with the nostalgia.
Any old airdales/shipmates that have any good sea stories feel free to post away. You drink for free over here in candyland.